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Recommendations for G analytics, webmaster tools with mulitple domains/websites

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Hello DNT members

What is recommended or best practice when it comes to using Googles services like Webmaster Tools and Analytics?

Should one set up separate Google accounts for each website?

Example: MySiteOne.com

Should it have its own Google account that will be used for both WMT and Analytics? or create two Google accounts? (one for WMT and another for Analytics)?

Next part of the question.

My second domain name / Website:

Should one use MyNumberOne@gmail.com for this second domain/website? or create a new Google Account for WMT and Analytics for it?

Gee I hope I have explained this clearly enough.

Thank you.


Top Contributor
I've found no harm them all being in one account. A lot easier to manage that's for sure.

I do think I hit the limit for analytics though.


Top Contributor
I've wondered about that myself.

For example I have two sites that rank very well for the same term. If I have them both in the same analytics account, is Google going to say that they don't both deserve to rank so strongly because they're owned by the same company?


Top Contributor
I've wondered about that myself.

For example I have two sites that rank very well for the same term. If I have them both in the same analytics account, is Google going to say that they don't both deserve to rank so strongly because they're owned by the same company?

Personally I've seen no evidence of this; and I have around 200 sites in my analytics account, and some of them are in the same market competing against each other.

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
Personally I've seen no evidence of this; and I have around 200 sites in my analytics account, and some of them are in the same market competing against each other.

So in regards to my question; you have 200 websites under the one Google Account for Analytics?


Top Contributor
For the record. The guys at Traffic Travis recommend you don't share any information with Google and at very least set up different accounts.


Top Contributor
If I have them both in the same analytics account, is Google going to say that they don't both deserve to rank so strongly because they're owned by the same company?

I've always had that concern as well as being worried that Google has too much info on my sites and would want to penalise me in some way :)

To be on the overly cautious side, I just use other stat tools.

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