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Rankings Within Auction


Top Contributor
So I added a domain to the NF auction this afternoon. This domain has over 1000 exacts, and a CPC above $2, but it was buried right at the bottom of all the domains that are listed in the auction, which got me wondering about how the NF domain ranking system works.

I would have thought that a domain with those metrics would have been towards the top of the list.

So are the AMA domains processed in a special way?

That said, when the domain was originally listed the NF system misinterpreted the words within the domain, which gave poor metrics. Would have have effected the domains positioning?

Also I was wondering if domains that are added to the auction via the AMA trigger netfleet alerts like regular dropping domains do?

And to trigger the alerts do they need to be added by a certain time?


Top Contributor
Hard to say without knowing the exact domain...but as the end date for the auction gets closer, the domain will rise through the ranks. Equally, if there are bids on the domain it will get a little boost.

Plus it does take time to gather metrics and assign our ranking algorithm - so to answer your question - yes if the phrase break was incorrect, this would affect it's positioning.



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