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quick Hello


I am a small, one man, IT business, with about 20 business clients - surprisingly I manage about 100 domains (via Aust Domains) and being business clients they are often disappointed when a domain they want is taken but is only parked on some advertising page or a default page from a web host - it is has seemed impossible to work out /contact the owner to see if they really want it. When it is a key part of their actual business name and it isnt being used it does seem a real waste and quite questionable of their right to have it in the first place.

I hope I have come to the right place to try and solve that problem.



Top Contributor
Hi wolfcamel - and welcome. That's an interesting username you have there!

It would be great if you could tell us a bit more about your business - you might get some business in return! We have a number of Perth members.

As for your comment about sites not being used properly, you are perhaps right in your sentiment.

However, it is just like real property. Sometimes domain owners have lots of "internet properties" to develop, and they just can't do every project at once. Therefore they make interim use out of it by "renting it out" i.e. parking it. Sometimes, if they have owned it long enough, they might even put a "for sale" sign on it.

As for contacting owners, it's the same as real property - do a "title search". It's even easier to do with internet properties - and it's free. ;)


Top Contributor
I am a small, one man, IT business, with about 20 business clients - surprisingly I manage about 100 domains (via Aust Domains) and being business clients they are often disappointed when a domain they want is taken but is only parked on some advertising page or a default page from a web host - it is has seemed impossible to work out /contact the owner to see if they really want it. When it is a key part of their actual business name and it isnt being used it does seem a real waste and quite questionable of their right to have it in the first place.

I hope I have come to the right place to try and solve that problem.


Hi WolfCamel and welcome

1. contact the owner by doing simple free whois search http://www.ausregistry.com.au/whois.php

2. try to find something that might also be an option at www.netfleet.com.au the .au aftermarket website

3.make a decent offer and see

Sorry to say At the end of the day parking a domain is the persons right. No use complaining if your clients missed the boat / plane / domain name and came too late There really is many excuses anymore as domain names have been available for years and they should have acted earlier or tried to negotiate to buy the name from the current owner who has "property / license" rights in it.

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