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Oz Domainer


Top Contributor
For those that haven't heard of him, Ed Keay-Smith runs a fantastic blog called OzDomainer.com

Ed is based in Perth, and has been involved in domains for a long time. He has done some fantastic interviews / podcasts with some movers and shakers around the world
(David Lye included!), and is widely respected.

His other big claim to fame is that he is acknowledged by many as a Google Adwords marketing expert. He's been doing it for a long time.

He has also been a long standing supporter of DNT. :) We had a long chat the other day, and Ed has kindly offered to do some guest contributions for DNT when he has time.

In the meantime, his latest podcast is well worth having a listen to. It is an interview with Affiliate Marketing Expert James Martell. Whilst it is quite long (39 minutes), it has some
fantastic tips in it for both newbies and experienced people alike.


Hope you enjoy.


Top Contributor
grab a beer and sit back and listen, it starts off pretty basic but stick with it as the guy knows his stuff, i don't agree with a few things he says but he is definately worth a listen.

if you get just 1 thing from it then its worth the 39 mins

thanks for the link ned



Top Contributor
One of the big messages I got out of that podcast was do do one project really well. Particularly if it has the potential to be a BIG money earner for you.

Concentrate on it - put all your effort and resources into it - and make it the best.

That's not to say we shouldn't have other projects - but do one at a time and try not to spread yourself too thinly (otherwise you main project can and will suffer).


Top Contributor
One of the big messages I got out of that podcast was do do one project really well. Particularly if it has the potential to be a BIG money earner for you.

Concentrate on it - put all your effort and resources into it - and make it the best.

That's not to say we shouldn't have other projects - but do one at a time and try not to spread yourself too thinly (otherwise you main project can and will suffer).

One of the blogs I like to read wrote an article about 'unitasking' a little while ago, and like you have mentioned Ned, it makes perfect sense to focus on one thing at a time - it's also a lot less stressful.


Top Contributor
One of the blogs I like to read wrote an article about 'unitasking' a little while ago, and like you have mentioned Ned, it makes perfect sense to focus on one thing at a time - it's also a lot less stressful.

good read, thanks.

the "do one thing and do it well" i agree with ......in part.

i'd say more like "concerntrate on one thing at a time" , i'm a self confessed " eclectic sanguine gemini" so doing only one thing is just never going to happen for me.

The way i deal with it is "left brain, right brain" , amongst my 3 laptops, ipad, iphone on my desk i also have a dvd player screen, i play movies while i work which keeps my right brain happy when i am programming ( left brain) , i turn it off when i am doing creative work ( right brain) and go to a few tutorial sites and play their videos on SEO, amrketing etc ( left brain ). I don't actualy watch the movies or videos, they are just playing next to me.

So i am always entertaining each side which allows me to focus on what i am doing.

I also use my own system of " houses with rooms " , logically in a house you can only be in 1 room at any one time, walk in close the door, so all my projects are rooms, i just keep creating more rooms BUT i choose which room i am in and i stay there.......... and then of course there is always the "backyard" and thats when i go for a walk and clear my head, most times coming back with the answer to my problem.

it works for me, and i would call myself a highly productive person.



Regular Member
Thanks Ned

Hi Ned

Thanks for the mention.

The OzDomainer podcast has its 5th birthday in a few weeks time, hard to believe it has been going for that amount of time!

I am always looking for new people to interview from the online world whether they are domainers or other online marketing related areas such as SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Copywriting, Web Development etc

If anyone in the forum has a person/s in mind, please feel free to let me know and will see what I can do.



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