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Online Magazine Experience?


Top Contributor
Does anyone here have any experience with creating an online magazine?
I know where to publish but just wondering if anyone has been there done that and want to share their experience.


Top Contributor
OK Idea if you already have a print version. Easily to integrate with wordpress which I believe you mostly use, from reading your previous threads. You can use something like issuu or self hosted flipbook (have not used flip book in years if it still exists??)

Google still has trouble reading PDFs in comparison to straight html. I make a client publish all content separately on his site instead of just having the PDF.

The real question is why ? My client likes the added touch it gives his site but also so his advertisers can quickly read the mag/see their advertisements immediately. Also easier for showing their friends etc


Top Contributor
I'm looking at Issuu for publishing just wondered if there are any tools for creating.
The field I'm in I think it would be beneficial to go down this path as it would be content generated by the users essentially and they would share it like crazy.
It would basically be a monthly digest of content i've had come through the site. That's share friendly.
I'd say once I get one "Template" set up I would just swap out the content each month.
Thanks for the style guide spacey, it'll come in handy.

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