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'Nuckin Futs'


Top Contributor
LOL, i bank with bank west but never thought of it that way.. its a good bank by the way.

i've got my kids a savings account each, they earn 10% , YES 10% interest

note: i do not work for them and have no ties with them.

and also i have my business accounts with them, NO FEES, NONE
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Top Contributor
Hey Tim, what's the name of the savings account with 10% interest please? I have an account with bankwest for my kids too but i think it earns about 10% for the first year and then goes into a sweep account where it only accrues 1% thereafter.


Archived Member
Don't those accounts have a limit of like $500 or something?

Even if it's higher, seems like good business sense for them to run these programs. I remember Commbank ran a "dollarmite" scheme when I was in primary school. 20 years later, I'm still with them and I doubt I'll ever change.

As for nuckin' futs, how can someone TM that when it's part of the vernacular or something? It's not like that guy coined the term, god knows who did.
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Top Contributor
yes you have the right account but heres how it was explained to me, i have to put $25 a month inot the account to get the 10%, but i can put up to $250 a month ! , at the end of 12 months it gets moved to a low interest account but i can then push $250 a month back into the 10% account from the low interest one, so eg: if you are doing $25 a month then next year in just @ 3 months all the money is back in the 10% account.


Top Contributor
As for nuckin' futs, how can someone TM that when it's part of the vernacular or something? It's not like that guy coined the term, god knows who did.

There are loop holes everywhere if you get the right person, i have a client that has a trademark on the word "chocolate" ( in a certain form but i can't tell you here )

it took them some getting but eventually their lawyer explained it the right way and they got it.

they then went back the next year and did exactly the same thing for "cake" and because they had already set the precedence it cost them alot less to get it through

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