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'New Posts' update time


Top Contributor
I find it very useful to use the 'New Posts' menu to read all the latest discussions going on in this forum.
However it seems the time period that posts are regarded as 'new' is quite short (perhaps 12h or 24h?), so they drop off this page very quickly.

I think it would be great if this time could be extended to say 48h, so that members are less likely to miss important discussions. Since the current New Posts list is never longer than half a page anyway, I don't think the list will become too long if we extend the time period.

Would be admins of this forum consider this?


Top Contributor
Some forums have an "active" topics option which pretty much returns anything which has been active for "X" number of days.

I think by default vBulletin has 24 hours set as "new posts".


Top Contributor
You're right, active topics is exactly what I used on other forums. I think for this forum 24h is a little short.

I think the option is highly beneficial to the forum, as more members are likely to see posts which they otherwise would not see. This can stimulate more discussion, which can be an attraction to more people again.


Top Contributor
This can stimulate more discussion, which can be an attraction to more people again.


I've run large forums in the past.

The volume of posts increased big time after I changed the settings to be for 7 days active topics.


Top Contributor
I think it could be extended but 7 days is far to long and I feel it would get messy.

I think there is a button in your admin that you can get notifications on what threads you follow, I know that doesn't help with new threads.



Top Contributor
I think 2 or 3 days should be plenty... that would be about a page of active topics. It really depends on how busy a forum is.


Top Contributor
I didn't check the forum over the weekend (no time :( ), but wanted to see what's new this morning (Monday). The 'New Posts' only show the latest few, so I needed to check all the section to see date of the latest posts, to try and keep up to date.

I think ti would be really valuable if New Posts could show a few days worth of posts, or even better if it listed all the new posts since I last visited.


ttfan, looking at you post history you have logged in/posted at least once a day for the past 6 days. Each time you log in the date/time from which "New Posts" are shown to you is reset to that time. That's why you haven't seen many posts each time you use the feature.

If you don't login for a period longer than 24 hours the New Posts will then be limited to the previous 24 hours. This is the default behaviour in vB3, and whilst your suggestion to increase this is a good one, there's no option we can find in the admin CP to change it.

If anyone knows where this can be changed we'd appreciate you letting us know.


Top Contributor
Correct, other forums have a link to "active topics" with that link.

New posts is still handy if you only want to see whats new since your last login.


Top Contributor
I'd be very surprised if this wasn't built into the vBulletin software that this forum runs on.


Top Contributor
Just to explain the two parameters 'getnew' vs 'getdaily' as best I can.

When you are not logged in there will be a menu item called "Today's Posts" which uses this url https://www.dntrade.com.au/search.php?do=getdaily
This shows posts for the last day.

When you are logged in "New Posts" https://www.dntrade.com.au/search.php?do=getnew which basically shows all new posts since the last time you have logged in.
Then "Today's Posts" gets moved under Quick links.

So by clicking the "New Posts" on the menu, members really should never miss important discussions.


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