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Melb meet 24/5 Australian Domainers drinks

Blue Wren

Top Contributor
My wife just said I could attend this, (involves me on air planes).
I'm leaving for a trip to Japan on the 22 May. DOH!

I would of really like to meet some fellow domainers/developers.

Next time I hope.


Top Contributor
i'll be there, may?? have to give up the footy at etihad so thats how highly i regard meeting you guys !

its a nice bar that one, its my second office in the city, my first one is "young and jacksons" watching the "next train clocks" but all to often i say " ahhh, i'll catch the next one

turf bar in queen street is my 3rd office for the other "state of origin games"



Regular Member
Hey guys,

Thanks for the comments & well wishes and yes I turned 40 last week :) They say life starts at 40 so bring it on!



Top Contributor
i'll be there, may?? have to give up the footy at etihad so thats how highly i regard meeting you guys !


Tim, you would be lonely at the dome on 24/5
The game they play in heaven is on 23/5
Or maybe you are subject to leave pass rationing


Top Contributor
Tim, you would be lonely at the dome on 24/5
The game they play in heaven is on 23/5
Or maybe you are subject to leave pass rationing

what i meant was "either or" as i'd have to go into the city 23/5 stumble home then do it all again the next day. if ruby didn't have school i would have just booked into the city with helena and made a "mid-weekend" out of it.

yes " leave pass rationing"

Hey guys

Just thought I would give this thread a bump, seeing as Cooper Mills Lawyers is a sponsor - Domainers drinks are on next week:

Australian Domainers drinks
Come along and meet some local domainers
24th May 2012 Thursday 5.pm

AKA Rydges bar
Cnr Exhibition and Little Bourke Streets, Melbourne

Meet at the bar

ALL domainers welcome!


Top Contributor
MAN can you believe it !! i justttttttt got a phone call from channel 9, back in 2007 i applied for tickets to the "footy show" and they have given me 8 tickets to the show next thursday 24th !!!

I'm still coming to the get together at 5pm but i'll have to leave to get to docklands by 8pm so if anyones available for a chat before 5pm at rydes i'll be coming into the city earlier anyway.



Top Contributor
MAN can you believe it !! i justttttttt got a phone call from channel 9, back in 2007 i applied for tickets to the "footy show" and they have given me 8 tickets to the show next thursday 24th !!!

I'm still coming to the get together at 5pm but i'll have to leave to get to docklands by 8pm so if anyones available for a chat before 5pm at rydes i'll be coming into the city earlier anyway.

Tim, you don't have to bullshit us. We know the missus has only given you a leave pass until 7.30pm. :D


Top Contributor
well i'll show you the tickets when i see ya

and by the way helenas pretty good with hall passes, although after 1 state of origin i caught the train to frankston instead of pakenham and feel asleep !

had to catch the last train back to caulfield and the last train to pakenham !!!


ps: and i have arrived home a different night in a police car but that was because i was helping a veryyyyyyy drugged kid who was on the train so the cops were nice enough to drive me home for my efforts.


Top Contributor
just reading a post that was done AFTER last years brisvegas event and someone said it was hard to later remember names to user names.

well mines easy , findtim and i'm tim but others aren't so easy.

i'm going to bring a bunch of my business cards and write "findtim" on them so i just thought i'd put that idea out there.

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Top Contributor
NO PROMISES, but i may end up with a spare ticket to the 24/5/12 afl footy show ! starting 8pm, now i'll be at the dnt melbourne get together and will be cabbing it over to docklands at 7.50pm

i'll post this on the event post as well.

i'll know by tuesday arvo if i do or not ( family first of course) but channel nine don't give you much notice ! its "next week ...OK "

anyway, anyone interested post interest but FIRM interest just liek buying a $10 domain

if i do end up with a ticket spare i think its only fair everyone goes into a hat and i draw the winner rather then "first request" as people check the forum at different times.

like i said no promises, we had the 8 tickets covered within 1 hour but our cousins then dipped out because they had a birthday pary they MUSTTT attend ( they were spewingggg) so that left 2 and 1's now taken, so the last is up in the air.



Top Contributor
Hey guys

Just thought I would give this thread a bump, seeing as Cooper Mills Lawyers is a sponsor - Domainers drinks are on next week:

Australian Domainers drinks
Come along and meet some local domainers
24th May 2012 Thursday 5.pm

AKA Rydges bar
Cnr Exhibition and Little Bourke Streets, Melbourne

Meet at the bar

ALL domainers welcome!

Just wanted to bump this thread - tonight's the night! (So was last night! Go QLD!).

Looking forward to meeting some fellow domainers that I have only ever shared PM's, Skype's, phone calls or emails with.

I heard Honan and Snoopy may also shout a few rounds, but that could just be a vicious rumour. ;)


Top Contributor
I'll be there early @ 3.30pm, if anyone else is early i'll be sitting with a samsung laptop working.

Another great Domainers drinks night tonight, thanks for all of those who came, a little get together ended up with some decent numbers for a quiet drink! Good to see everyone

Lets do it again soon....



Top Contributor
Another great Domainers drinks night tonight, thanks for all of those who came, a little get together ended up with some decent numbers for a quiet drink! Good to see everyone

Lets do it again soon....


Erhan - thank you so much for your hospitality. You're a champion. :)

Honan - you still owe me $100 for the footy last weekend.

Snoopy - nice to meet you in person. If and when I have a dig at you in the future, I will be able to visualise you as I do.

Spacey - what can I say?? (Other than it was good to meet you in the flesh too.) :)

Bradd the lurker - thanks for dinner mate.

"Faye" - au fait. ;)

Tim - sorry you couldn't get a leave pass to stay out later. ;)

Chris B - waiting for that article.

Phil - join DNT!

And to everyone else - nice to meet you.

Cheers, Ned
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