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koala dropping?


Top Contributor
I did a double take when I first saw it. My only real question is why is it dropping?
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Regular Member
Koala have the .com so this is somewhat obsolete to them. Still would have made sense to sell it rather than let it drop but sometimes $50k isn't worth the hassle in these orgs.


Top Contributor
Thanks Andrew,

End user bought, so the price so we are able to disclose the price of $50,000 for the domain today.

Unfortunately koala.com.au was allowed to expire and the same owner used Drop to secure the domain back. This is a costly mistake and shows you the importance of making sure that not only you know where all your domains are registered with, but also make sure that the contacts are correct. Too many times this happens, when clients forget to have domains set to auto renew, and update payment details. We can not stress the importance of doing a yearly audit of your domains, registrar accounts, contacts used and auto renew settings on with up to date billing details.


Top Contributor
Thanks Andrew,

End user bought, so the price so we are able to disclose the price of $50,000 for the domain today.

Unfortunately koala.com.au was allowed to expire and the same owner used Drop to secure the domain back. This is a costly mistake and shows you the importance of making sure that not only you know where all your domains are registered with, but also make sure that the contacts are correct. Too many times this happens, when clients forget to have domains set to auto renew, and update payment details. We can not stress the importance of doing a yearly audit of your domains, registrar accounts, contacts used and auto renew settings on with up to date billing details.
Yikes definitely not the first time a large brand has done this. Nice day for you though :)

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