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Is .au looking a lot more shaky?


Top Contributor
With this weeks surprise decision to dump Ausregistry I think one thing has been made clear, ultimate control rests with the government, not AUDA's board, and they will act if the don't like what AUDA's board is doing.

I suspect at this point .au is going to be delayed for a long time and despite what AUDA decide a political "yes or no" decision is going to be made by the govt. I suspect they'll wait until AUDA puts all its chips on the table before doing anything.

This is another potential political time bomb, if the government feels the general public will see it as a "double tax" they'll dump it just like they didn't want the political fallout of .com.au being controlled by foreign interests. Auda is currently fretting about who gets rights to the .au, .net.au,.org.au, .asn.au, .id.au? Blind Freddy can see this is all about selling people a domain who already own a near identical one! All they are working on is how to get as many people in an auction as possible and how to scare enough people into a double registration.

I think the government will see straight through AUDA's dodgy surveys and "business case modelling” as well, they know full well that AUDA is run by supply interests, that is why they just pulled Ausregistry’s contract, they don’t trust the AUDA board’s decisions any more than we do. The introduction of .au would effect hundreds of thousands of small businesses. Given the .au proposal was pushed by Ausregistry and supply side interests this is probably even more reason for the whole thing to be looked at with a fine tooth comb in today’s light.

Secondly with AUDA keeping most of the revenue from registrations going forward does the Federal Government really want to be seen as profiteering on the backs of small business to the tune of $5-10 million more per year by selling a near identical product twice? I have little doubt AUDA is largely oblivious to these issues just like they thought it was ok for the registry to be run by “just about anyone”.

Given the recent government intervention against AUDA now could be a very good time to be contacting those local members of parliament to voice your concern on direct registrations. Ignore what anyone at AUDA tells you, the idea that it is definitely happening is garbage, AUDA doesn’t know because they aren’t the decision maker! Contact those politicians!

Andrew Wright

Top Contributor
Now that Ausregistry, who would have profited most from the introduction of direct registrations, is no longer in the running to profit I think there may be some dialling down of the .au hype.


Top Contributor
Now that Ausregistry, who would have profited most from the introduction of direct registrations, is no longer in the running to profit I think there may be some dialling down of the .au hype.

You'd hope so, and that Auda would give it plenty of time to look at things again without that major influence being present.


Top Contributor
Just one other thing I was thinking, AUDA is going to have to spend a lot of money setting up the .com.au registry. They have an estimated $10-13million in the bank. The "war chest" that we all question but now at least has an obvious purpose. The spend on setting up the registry will significantly deplete AUDA resources and reduce their ability to get a new extension off the ground successfully in the short-medium term.

Before Ausregistry was removed I felt AUDA & Ausregistry combined had a very low chance of making .au a success. Neither organisation has had any success of launch new tlds, e.g. .id.au & .melbourne. All prior efforts too introduce extensions have failed. .Au is a easier sell but it would still be an uphill battle. With AUDA on its own I'd say the chances are far more remote, I don't know if AUDA has any marketing capability at all?

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