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Hi my name's Luke...


Regular Member
[stands] Hi, my name's Luke. And I haven't bought a domain for...1 day.

But I hardly think this is the right forum to get encouragement for cutting back on buying domains :) I've read a few threads on the forum from time to time, but I decided with a new year I might as well join in the discussion!

I live in Sydney and have 100+ domains. So I don't really consider myself a domainer, more an affiliate. I just get domains that I think have good development potential. This is going to be the year of developing more domains than I buy, so I am looking forward to it.

But I am very interested in the domain market and so look forward to throwing around some ideas here.




Top Contributor
Hi Luke, Welcome aboard.

This is going to be the year of developing more domains than I buy, so I am looking forward to it.

This is my 2010 goal too.

So far not looking so good, have bought a few this year already.

Bought = 5
Developed = 0


Top Contributor
Hi Luke!

Nice intro ;)

It's so hard to balance the aquiring with the developing isn't it. All too easy to say "I can always develop down the line but I only have one chance to register/buy a new domain"!!!

Anyway welcome to the forum & look forward to talking with you.



Top Contributor
hi mate, no problem, welcome to the addicted club!

look at me: 5 AM and still have to go to bed!!! :eek::D


Regular Member
Thanks for the welcome guys.

I think that's an interesting idea johno to count how many new domains I buy for the year and how many I get to a decent development level. I'll probably still buy more than I develop, but at least when it comes to the development phase you can pick and choose the best projects to do.

Off to see what domains are dropping today.....

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