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Hi from OzDomainer


Regular Member
Hi everyone,

I have been a member for a while but have not had the time to make any posts.

Its been very busy over the past 12 months and I have been adding .com.au names to my portfolio and am still amazed at what can be picked up for very good prices.

As some of you here know, I have been running my OzDomainer.com Blog / Podcast since the middle of 2007 which some of you may have read or listed to, thanks to those of you here that have supported it.

IMO the .com.au space has a great future and will only get better as time goes by in the aftermarket.

My fav drop service in Oz is the Drop.com.au service and have picked up some great deals there including www.AudioBooks.com.au for under AU$4000 which is a bargain in my book! No pun intended!!

I have over 100 .com.au names listed for sale over at Netfleet.com.au so I may do some deals with some of you guys over time. I will list them here from time to time as well.


Ed Keay-Smith


Top Contributor
Hi Ed,

I've listened to most of your podcasts and i think they're fantastic.
I particularly enjoyed the last one you did with Perry Marchall about adwords... as it was a combination of internet marketing and domaining - which is where I sit.

The quality of those podcasts is top class- they're both interesting to listen to and informative. Keep on making more of them!!! I listen to audio stuff when i ride my bike... and just love them.

I think it's great that you're going to post on this site and everyone will certainly benefit from your level of expertise.


Top Contributor
Hello Ed,

Big fan of your podcasts and I always make a point of loading up my iPhone whenever I am traveling interstate with your latest casts.

PS: podcaster.com.au is dropping today :)

Best Regards,
George Pongas


Top Contributor
Hi Ed,

I also think your blogs and podcasts are fantastic. Thank you! And by the way, great visionary buy on AudioBooks.com.au.

Cheers, Ned

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