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Hi dntraders


Hi all,

My name is Anthony and I live in Brisbane ATM, I only own 1 domain name and yesterday I found out it was a racial slur :(, but I've been using it for a few years now for email, so I'd be sad to change it.

I've dealt with many of you in the past mainly behind the scenes.

I'm more focused on the data and technology side of this business and I leave the buying and re-selling up to you all.

I've been watching the growth of the secondary market for .au domains for the last 2 years, and am please with the progress from infancy to teens.

I've been reading this forum for a few months now and thought I'd start pitching in with some insight where I can.


Top Contributor
Welcome Ant!

I'm also intrigued with this domain name!!

Hope you can help share your tech & data knowledge with us all




Domain is/was snoobab.net which i registered when i lived in africa many years ago, b'cause i thought it was cute to spell ten.baboons backwards. Had a cute website with a cartoon of ten baboons sitting around making websites, back in my php3 days.

according to http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snoobab
"its a racial comment u make to a african coloured person, its baboon backwords"

So I guess it is time to let it expire and look for a new one.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Domain is/was snoobab.net which i registered when i lived in africa many years ago, b'cause i thought it was cute to spell ten.baboons backwards. Had a cute website with a cartoon of ten baboons sitting around making websites, back in my php3 days.

according to http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=snoobab
"its a racial comment u make to a african coloured person, its baboon backwords"

So I guess it is time to let it expire and look for a new one.

if you like it .......keep it

these days we cant even fart in public without it making it to news !


Top Contributor
I agree with the others - if you like it, keep it.

I've never even heard of the term snoobab, and I like to consider myself well versed on racial slurs.

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