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Regular Member
Im Giles, some may recognise me from Namepros

A couple of questions for you

I have one .com.au domain and I recently sold it to a bloke in Sydney

Its regged Austdomains.com.au

I had a look at the transfer process and it says this

Am I reading this correctly, its going to cost me $300 to transfer the domain to the new owner??

Is there a cheaper way of doing this??

Thanks for any help guys/gals

Anyone know of the best and cheapest place to reg .com.au and .net.au domains??


How to change the owner of my domain?

Changing ownership of a domain name is a PERMANENT function. You will not be able to change the ownership back once you have made the change.

As you may know, ownership change means to transfer all of the rights and duties of domain names to designated person/corporate. To protect your properties, we do not accept the application of ownership change online by telephone or email.

To change the ownership of domain name, Aust Domains must reset your domain name license. This effectively means your registration period starts from the day it is reset, any previous registration period will be lost.

The fee will thus be the standard cost of new registration or equal value, plus the Change of ownership fee.

example 1. AUD $28.com domain + AUD $220 Change of ownership fee
example 2. AUD $69.com.au domain + AUD $220 Change of ownership fee


Hi GilesColey, i have scoured the complete auda.org.au website and with no luck, have found nothing in terms of change of ownership fees for .au domains. Where abouts did you see the it was going to cost $220 or $300?


Actually GilesColey, I had just taken a look on some .au registrars and found this on the NetRegistry site in regards to Domain Transfers

.au Domains (.com.au, .net.au, .org.au, .id.au)

* .AU transfers are facilitated once confirmation has been received by NetRegistry from an authorised contact of the domain
* It takes 48 hours for the registry to transfer the domain
* You can transfer a domain name to NetRegistry, even if it has expired and is suspended ('Pending Delete'). This status is maintained for at least 14 days, before the domain name is deleted

It doesnt say anything about any hefty change of ownership fees. Also I just found the information from PlanetDomain.com and they have this to say.

Please Note that .au domains are free to transfer, you will only be asked to renew if it is within 90 days of expiring

AustDomains.com.au also have a zero transfer fee

You can transfer all your Australia domain names to us now for FREE, and only pay your renewal fee when it is due. Domain name transfers are always facilitated instantly. Please note the domain name registry takes 3 days for the transfer to be affected. All global domains will need to renew when transfering.


Regular Member
Hi all

thanks for the imput but I have been on the phone to them and the charges do apply

How do I transfer my .AU domain to a new owner?
The license holder (for example a company or person) who has authority or control over a .AU domain is the 'registrant' as listed in the domain's WHOIS information. (You can check the WHOIS information for your domain via the WHOIS menu on our website.)

From 1st June, 2008, it is possible to transfer the ownership of a .au domain name for any reason (including sale of name).

When a domain is transferred, the registrant must meet the criteria set out by auDA in their Transfers (Change of Registrant) Policy (2008-08).

When domain ownership is transferred, the old registrant forfeits the existing 2 year registration license, and a new 2 year registration license will start from the time the transfer is completed in the .au registry.

PlanetDomain charge a $110AUD administration fee to transfer the ownership of a .au domain name and issue a new registration license.

To proceed with a transfer of ownership of a PlanetDomain registered .au domain name, please follow the steps below:

1. New company owner creates a member account within our system via: http://www.planetdomain.com.au/register_in.jsp
Note: If your domain is registered with a planetdomain reseller, you can register your member account via the reseller's website.

2. Required Paperwork must be completed.
The existing and new domain registrants must both complete the authorization form to effect the transfer. The form can be downloaded from the "Downloads" section of the PlanetDomain Support pages, here. Please include a copy of owner's ID or ABN/ACN certificate.

3. Fax Paperwork to PlanetDomain.
All the paperwork should be faxed together to ensure the transfer is processed rapidly. Once the required forms have been received, payment will be processed for the domain renewal, and the domain ownership details will be changed.

Its the same with most registrars I have spoken to, some are cheaper, but they all have "change of ownership" fees, and you also have to pay the cost of another 2 years registration when the ownership changes

Damn rip off if you ask me

I believe you can transfer to another registrar without a charge, but only if the the "owner" is staying the same


Interesting. Hadn't realised this was the case.

Try slapping the fee on the buyer :p

Any chance of disclosing the domain and the price?


Interesting, this is a bit of a slap in the face to the new rule changes, though it does weed out all the small profiteering domainers who are looking to make $50 here and there. Ill still be purchasing .au domains to monetise, ill just have to look into buying more expensive ones to counterbalance this change of ownership cost :S

thanks GilesColey


Regular Member
I pass the costs on to the buyer, most of my names are with Enetica, they've been charging new registrants $89, although they are about to launch their new fully automated registrant transfer service shortly for $49 including 2yrs reg fee.

So you can transfer the domain to enetica for free, and then the new registrant can just pay $49.

We've seen the price of domains come down in .au over the last few yrs, and I'm sure over the coming weeks and months we'll see the transfer fee come down too, competition will heat up for this part of the market..


auDA says the registrar MAY charge fee for transfer.

They will stop eventually as competition grows. Used to cost to transfer .com's too...rememeber?


Thats good to know that Enetica so far have the cheapest ownership transfer fee, and when the automated system comes in, cheaper and faster, now thats what i like to hear. This is the main issue with the domain aftermarket, the ownership transfer fees, $49 will be a lot more reasonable for domainers looking to maximise profitibility.


Regular Member
Wade, thanks a lot for that, those prices seem a lot better

I may contact the buyer and see if he is still interested in the domain and move the domains to Enetica

thanks Paz and Soj as well

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