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Hello there


Hi :)

My name is Andrew, I'm a pom from Hampshire, England living in Melbourne and working as an SEO. I'm the newly appointed SEO Manager at ratesonline dot com dot au - an Australian home loan and insurance comparison website.

Outside of the day job, I run a few monotized domains that I am growing. I also like Football (Soccer), support the mighty Brentford and I like Marmite (sorry).


Welcome Andrew. Good to have another SEO person on DNT.

So you're a Pom - and from Melbourne. That's bad. Both those demographics are outranking us proud Queenslanders. ;)

And you have bragging rights in the cricket.

Woe is me.

Cheers, Ned


Thanks guys :) Looks like a great forum and community here - hoping to learn a thing or two!

Hi Tim - I've only been doing SEO full time for 3 years so I'm in the infancy compared to others, however I invest a lot of time reading up on the subject and align my techniques with the industry pros. Kindly James added me to his 15 young Australian SEO's list last year :) Up to the end of last year I was managing an SEO team of 10 Specialists at a Melbourne based SEO company, but I fancied giving in-house a try at ratesonline.com.au.

The guys here are great. The SEO was in really bad shape and we've just started to turn a corner so I'm very excited about the year ahead!

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Welcome, the more Seo Guru's the better

Can i ask is the searchbox on ratesonline your own design or is it via an affiliate tool

Love to know

many thanks
Last edited:


Top Contributor
welcome to the forum and congrats on the new gig. I'm *kinda* looking for a job and would definitely rather do in-house than agency. I got jack of doing tip o' the iceberg agency stuff.

btw vegemite anyday of the week, and proper BBQ sauce over that HP rubbish you guys have over there :)


Top Contributor
Hi Andrew, good too see you on here.

I actually work 3 days Agency, 2 days in House, and the rest of time working on other projects these days.

Kind Regards,

James Norquay


Jonathan - Hi! where are you working now?

spacey - the search box was designed and coded in house by our developer.

James - nice! do you work in house for one of the Agency's clients or several? I work 4 days in-house at ratesonline so on Fridays I (try to) work on my own stuff at home. I have been working on some of my websites, but I think I might start doing some freelance as well. Do you have any private clients?


Top Contributor
Welcome, Andrew.

I see Brentford snatched an unlikely draw against the mighty Tranmere last weekend ;)

In fact I would have been there but had to leave the day before!

Welcome to DNtrade anyway


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Jonathan - Hi! where are you working now?

spacey - the search box was designed and coded in house by our developer.

James - nice! do you work in house for one of the Agency's clients or several? I work 4 days in-house at ratesonline so on Fridays I (try to) work on my own stuff at home. I have been working on some of my websites, but I think I might start doing some freelance as well. Do you have any private clients?

Thanks it looks like a great site and is one example of the type of site i aspire to own oneday

thanks for letting me know ......regards


David - we're doing ok with a skeleton squad!

I randomly came across your cocktail site today when doing some backlink analysis on some competitors in the life and income protection area.... saw your link on this page http://www.workfeet.com.au. small world :)

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