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Hand reg a domain


Regular Member

I found a nice domain I can hand reg but I have to tick a box which states "that domain names have a close & substantial connection to the person/business that it is intended to represent."

What does that mean. It is just a nice domain I wish to reg. I do have an ABN number.



Top Contributor
you can read all the info at http://www.auda.org.au/

i'll get slagged for saying all this, firstly if its a hand reg today don't register it till you give us more info, pm me if you like.

I say that because if you have to tick that box you're probably on the wrong site and paying to much for it ( my opinion)

next a "close and ..................." really means nothing these days, you can just say "its something that I do" , "its something that I teach", basically you just want it.

eg: a florist could register a domain with "vase" in it, a photographer could register a domain with "car" in it.

you have to have an abn to register a domain but do you have a business name? if your business name is " cakemakers" then registering dogtraining may give you a problem?...... but I doubt it as its a generic term.

if your abn is tomsmith and no business name then all you really need is an interest in what you are going to do with it, if you are registering it to try and flog it straight away then be careful.

if the domain you want is trademarked you could have an issue, if it is a brand name that's an issue, a competitor that's an issue, but basically you can just about register anything if you intend to use it somehow.

bottomline I wrote this based on your newbie question, so hopefully others will come in and tell me I am wrong or right.



Regular Member
Thanks Tim and James.

I appreciate your posts. I have an ABN number in just my personal name. I will now go and think and weigh up your posts. Many thanks.

Simon Johnson

Top Contributor
Please don't fall for the cheap=good trap. You get what you pay for.

1. Not all registrars are the same.

2. Google "Registerfly" (most people were probably not even around for that one).

Reduce your risk and spread your domains out.

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