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Google re new TLD's


Good article on Domain Name Wire today.

Yesterday Adrian Kinderis, CEO of new TLD registry services provider ARI Registry Services, published a piece saying that new top level domains will automatically be favored by Google over .com:

"Will a new TLD web address automatically be favoured by Google over a .com equivalent? Quite simply, yes it will".

While many people scoffed at this, it was still open to debate.

But now Matt Cutts, Google’s search quality czar, just shot this down on Google+



Top Contributor
Interesting. I have been wondering this for a while - whether Google will credit the domain based on it's tld. But then again, they don't now - if you search "cars in asia", you don't see any .asia domain names in the results...


Top Contributor
Interesting. I have been wondering this for a while - whether Google will credit the domain based on it's tld. But then again, they don't now - if you search "cars in asia", you don't see any .asia domain names in the results...

That's only because there are no decent .asia car sites. Google do and will recognize the tld in their algo (they bold it in the SERPS)

However if the kw are already in the domain I can't see any extra benefit. Eg carinsurance.com will, all other things being equal, have the same kw in domain ranking benefit as car.insurance IMO

But then the new TLD will be disadvantaged by lack of recognition and confusion users will have so it's going to struggle.

The other thing is Adrian claimed that .Nike makes sense as it will rank higher than Nike.com for someone searching 'nike'. However I dont currently see a problem where branded sites are outranked by anything other than their main site anyway? Google seem to have got that covered


Top Contributor
That's only because there are no decent .asia car sites. Google do and will recognize the tld in their algo (they bold it in the SERPS)

I thought that too when I wrote that post but then I changed my mind - if that was the case, wouldn't you see the likes of us, domainers, rushing to develop .asia car sites? I can't say for sure - but surely people would have picked up on that - I don't see a whole load of cheaplcd.tv sites rising to the top of Google?

The bold thing is interesting though - are they just being lazy and or is it an indication? If you enter only 'www' as your search term, are the results that as you would expect if G had credited the URL/domain name? Not sure they are...


Top Contributor
Maybe this person should try hypnosis,

"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"
"Yes these domains are great for you, no they aren't flawed, yes they are better than .com"


Top Contributor
I thought that too when I wrote that post but then I changed my mind - if that was the case, wouldn't you see the likes of us, domainers, rushing to develop .asia car sites? I can't say for sure - but surely people would have picked up on that - I don't see a whole load of cheaplcd.tv sites rising to the top of Google?.

Well because there's no greater advantage than having a .com domain with the keyword 'asia' to the left of the dot and a .com or dominant cctld will be easier to resell, have a greater ctr and is generally better known


Top Contributor
May just be the title.

Maybe, but the point I was trying to make was that Mark's statement that 'if you search "cars in asia", you don't see any .asia domain names in the results..' was not a good example.

There is no website at cars.asia so it was unlikely to come up in a search anyway. Whereas robots.asia (which does have a website albeit very basic), regardless of why, did come up in a search for "robots in asia"...

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