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Gmail spam filter gone crazy last two weeks? (domain offers received to spam)


Top Contributor
Tangentially domain-related but thought I would post it here anyway...

I offered a few domains for sale the other day, and in that thread I said I preferred responses via email.

However, just today I looked in my Gmail spam folder and found several offers on domains from 3 and 4 days ago.

So I think in future I might say PM me preferably vs email, to avoid this problem in future...

I have noticed the past 2 weeks that Gmail is adding many more of my regular emails from newsletters, etc into the spam folder.

I've been trying to re-train it by going through and clicking the Not Spam button on all the false positives.

I'm going to have to check my spam folder daily now for a while I think.

Used to be awesome, I would only check it once a month, if that, and hardly anything was a false positive.

Not sure why they changed the algorithm, it's over compensating and generating many false positives now.

Anyone else using Gmail notice an increase in falsely tagged spam lately? (big uptick the past two weeks or so for me)

And if offering domains for sale here, it might be safer to suggest PM instead of email (unless going and checking spam folder daily)


Top Contributor
Yep, I've noticed it doing the same thing recently, but only in the last few days.

I check all folders anyway but it's obviously not where you want the emails to end up in the first place.


Top Contributor
Gmail seems to be learning a bit since I'm going in daily and clicking "Not Spam" on several emails a day.

Still not as good as it used to be before this latest update, but I guess I will retrain it.

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