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FindABabySitter.com.au acquired by Fairfax for $3Million


Top Contributor
Hi Guys,

One of my perspective clients sent me this link and i thought it was relevant to domainers... because of the domain involved. The title pretty much says it all.


It also shows that there is money to be made by a small operation who can meet the needs of the market. Who could have thought that the babysitter market could produce $3m?

Obviously the site went for that much because they had an extensive database of clients (who fairfax could market to in the future).


Top Contributor

This news is a couple of months old.

Fairfax are all over this internet thingy.

I'm guessing the next thing they will do is a classified site called finda :D

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
My accountant saved a article from the age and gave it to me , it was regarding packer buying myhome.com.au for $8 million and then the seller purchased it back after PBL pulled out of a deal to use the domain ! what a profit and got to keep the domain.

These stories are not common though and i dont think we should up the value of our portfolio on these stories


Top Contributor
Fairfax had deep pockets when David Kirk was Chairman. (As much as it pains me to say, he was a brilliant All Black captain!)

Google their various purchases - TradeMe in NZ went for about $700m; RSVP in Australia went for some millions; Stayz also. Lots of others. What do these sites have in common? People aka members - plus they also spend a bit of money!

Build a site with great verifiable membership and you're on your way to getting a payday IMHO! :D


Fairfax, PBL, I will sell DN Trade for less than the millions you have paid for other sites :)


Regular Member
If the site has 17,000 subscribers paying $49.95 (for 3 month) and if it has 10,000 posts per day generated from those 17,000 subscribers then $3million is very undervalued. It should have been more towards $5-6 Million. But still good money for a startup that cost less than $15-$20k at most.


Top Contributor
the real problem is that...


Too many kids.

Anyway a clever site.


Top Contributor
Great price , but ChildCare IS a Multi-billion dollar business.

And Fairfax can have Domainer.net.au for a Couple million as well
Last edited:


Top Contributor
While the running costs of the website are quite small, a heap of cash is spent on advertising (probably 5 figures a month)...PPC as they're not the only ones in that market... which I'm sure significantly erodes the profit margin.

Buy yeah, 3 million is a pretty small amount to get the leader in most industries.

Even in domaining, i think DNtrade, netfleet, 100domains are worth quite a lot... because they're the leaders in their respective categories... and companies are willing to pay a significant premium for being number 1.

Soj, how much would you sell DNtrade for if someone approached you?


Ross, to be honest, I haven't really thought about it. I don't have any need to sell it to fund other projects, so would have to be a decent offer.

Paz - It would have to be one very good kebab!

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Ross, to be honest, I haven't really thought about it. I don't have any need to sell it to fund other projects, so would have to be a decent offer.

Paz - It would have to be one very good kebab!

with extra yogurt sauce !

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