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***Federal election 2016


Top Contributor
just letting you know the government have changed the date of the federal election, but they aren't going to tell anyone when that is, only the 140+ members.
as it concerns 23 million people of which 16 million are eligable they did a survey to decide on the new date and found the 3000 people they asked represented the wider scope of the community and felt there should definately be a change of date.
voting is compulsory but now you HAVE TO pay to vote otherwise your livelyhood could be taken away from you. the funds will be evenly distributed between a select few in parliment, some going to do some good in the community whilst most will be going to palmer, bishop and hockey who have a carribean account for there business " federal election funds) also know as "election funds federal" , "funds federal election" which they all have part ownerships in, other profits will go to abbot, rudd and even gillard gets a show in.
So how do you become a member? well thats easy just go to the website and download the form, fill it in, sign it and find some post office stuck in the 80's with a thing caled a "fax machine" ( ask google what that is ) and send it back to them, so they can wait until the next meeting to decide if you are allowed to be a member because if you don't do this in the next 3 weeks you won't be presented at the meeting but they will tke your money and you won't be allowed to vote.
whats the website you ask? well it came to you on an email 8 years ago when you first registered your name, that would be the first and last thing you would have received from them, this helps keep membership down because having to many voting members means its harder to get their friends elected and we don't want any concerned citizens asking questions about what we do
ANYway its all in the newsletter you get by being a member.....oooppps, sorry , you don't get them as you are not a member.
So all you non voting non members please pay promptly and then go away as asking why is just to late, HA HA gotcha !
now that you are paying please do not expect any correspondence as you are'nt a member.

the person who plans highways that need houses pulled down first


Top Contributor
with a thing caled a "fax machine" ( ask google what that is ) and send it back to them, so they can wait until the next meeting

It will be good to move to something electronic. I know a few orgs that still use faxes though, but it's getting less each day.

I think the problem is the issues security for online voting, although it's a problem being solved in different ways and probably something we'll see get sorted soon. One of the biggest changes in au tech at the moment is the government moving online/digital. It took a while, but it's happening in a big way now.

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