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Exact Match Domains Are Back


Top Contributor
Has anyone noticed how exact match domains are ranking better lately on Google.com.au?

I've had a heap of my websites starting to rank again, some had penalties from 2 years ago and others had no penalties.

I believe Google is tweeking the algorithm again.:)



Top Contributor
i really only own exact match domains and i advise my clients to purchase exact match domains as well , i seem to have gotten through all the panda /penguin without dropping any rankings for 90% of my sites.

it certainly hasn't been a stress for me over the last few years.

the only sites that have dropped have been ones with weak content and i have been working on that,

but my cients sites with unique local content have held their ground almost 100% without any SEO, as in NONE, fair enough they are domains like dubbodentist so low competition.

still ranks organically above specsavers and the same is for many more of my clients in a multitude of verticals

having said all that i do feel exact match is back, i've always felt that it would.

google places is the major problem i see, and have always disliked it, here is a good example

it takes up everything above the fold before you get to organics !

i have a client that is a signwriter , he services the whole of melbourne but can only get listed in places at his home address which is in the dandenong mountains ! which sucks.

anyway, i'm off track, ..........bottom line is i think google has come to its senses and exact match domains are back where they belong and what i mean by that is they are no longer penalising them, so you still need to create good content to gain the rankings.

buying an exact match is no guarantee of search results any more and i can not see that returning EVER, it does help and will help from a visitors point of view in establishing the domain as an "authority" and "trust" + you get the direct type in traffic, as we saw from posts about the "credit check" when it was on the news just recently.

exact match domains have now turned into " you need to brand them " IMO, and that takes money.

but without preaching to the converted, a brandable name can save the purchaser a lot of money in the long run so the value is definately there in grabbing those domains.



Top Contributor
Good news on my side too Don. That particular site we spoke about recently has come back from nowhere.

A couple of terms have returned to page 1, and the big one is at the top of page 2.

This all happened sometime Friday morning. Hoping it sticks...


Top Contributor
Wonder if it has anything to do with Google entering the domain name sales space ?

i believe it is that way, and its going to get messy and confusing

dentist.melbourne , dentist.dentist, dentist.com.au WTF.

we have a competitor in one of our highly competitive verticals and they constantly pretend to be US !!!, their use of words on their site , keywords and even their google description suggests they are us.

we are getting phone calls from people who tell us the product that we sent was crap but we never did the order.

the words they use are trademarked and we have had to bring in lawyers, but they just change tactics for a while and then resume on a different angle, they have much more money then us so they feel they can do whatever they want......... and do.

at this moment we are winning but always waiting for the next attack, i see this happening with all these new extensions.



Top Contributor
one of my EMD's that has been sitting at 2 or 3 for a year has gone to number 1 today, we do SEO on it so maybe its just coincidence? but nice to be number 1

melbourne florist



Top Contributor
Google has been making many changes recently, especially if you disavowed links on a spammy domain in the past many have seen good growth. I agree many EMD's are back as well.


Top Contributor
i was selecting a domain to develop today so i went through a lot of search testing, i'm still on the EMD bandwagon. most of the ones that have dropped have simply been because i have not paid them attention, theme has a minor break unrepaired, stuff like that.
the one i selected to revamp ranks first and second on 2nd page and hasn't been touched in at least 2 years and is geo targeted.
so my belief currently is EMD's are GREAT but CONTENT is king, i think to combination works well together and it will be interesting to see how the rankings change with some love given to it.
i selected another geo thats bouncing around and 2 others specifically to direct market as the EMD is not geo targeted.


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