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"Domain Services"


Top Contributor
Thinking of taking this out of "Domain Marketplace" and giving it its own home.

Few reasons:

First, we want to expand the sales side of this forum. Include sections for J/V opportunities; domain leasing; domain financing etc.

Second, because there are a lot of people out there that want to advertise their specific services - and we want to give each a specific home. Web designers, SEO experts, content/copy writers, logo creators, hosting companies etc.

Third, some of the feedback we have got is that it would be good if people could post a "job" they want done. This way providers can make a private pitch to them.

Would appreciate your feedback and constructive comments please. :)

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Regular Member
it would be nice to have a section on how to monitise, not sure if it would fit under here or be a section on its own but it would be good to have a list of offers and what EPC's are running at off owners domains.

i.e. winbig.com.au - topbetta comp - CPA = $3.50 EPC = 50c

or something like that....


Regular Member
I really like the idea of a fully fledged 'domain services' section where people can both advertise their skills and offer work/JV opportunities to others.
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