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developed domain structures


Top Contributor
just an idea, wanting feedback.

i've spent A LOT of money this year in creating domain structures, modifying templates, special features for ecommerce sites and more importantly for me directory sites.

in 2013 i'd like to look at swapping sites with people, my idea is that if you have something that really works well for you as i do then we could negotiate a swap value.

the process in its infancy would be " i show you mine, you show me yours" and then we make a deal.

i actually have this situation presently with a few people so now i'm opening it up, we need to create some rules as at present my deals are all handshake with long term mates.

things like: you can have this but you can't use it in my sector X, i know that might sound wrong but if its upfront then just don't do the deal, i can't see anyone justifing giving code to a potential competitor

i might have a nice microsite and you have an MFA that hasn't been trashed :p

so we just bundle the site up into a zip and send it to each other.

just an idea

i'm open to any opinion.



Top Contributor
i can not believe this thread has died ! , maybe its just to close to xmas.

i've had some PM feedback so i think i didn't explain myself well, so i'll bring it back up in 2013 as i think its a GREAT idea.



Are the templates modifications of commercially available scripts?
I am looking at purchasing and modifying a directory script from Sitemile, would you be interested in something like that?

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