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David Goldstein introduction

David Goldstein

Top Contributor
Hi all,

Just a brief introduction of myself so I can get started on the Domain Name Trade forum.

As some of you know, I am a candidate at the upcoming auDA board election.

I have been involved in the domain name industry since 2000 when I commenced working for the Austrian registry nic.at for about nine months where I was providing some policy advice and researching domain name issues.

Then in 2002 after doing it as a hobby since 2000 I commenced providing my domain name news service to the DNS list here in Australia with this month being the ninth anniversary of auDA being my first client. I now have about 15 clients in total, about half of these being registries.

For a number of years now I have also written for the DomainNews.com and DomainPulse.com blogs, and provided regular articles for the eBrand Services website.

I am also an occasional attendee at ICANN meetings and have attended the last five Domain Pulse meetings, an annual meeting for the domain name industry in the German speaking countries.

Through all this I believe I have gained a unique insight into the domain name "business" and I would like to use this knowledge to serve again as an auDA board member.

If elected I would like to pursue some of the issues I was supporting on the recent Names Policy Panel, and also on the Names Policy Panel in 2007. These include reviewing the relevance of the close and substantiation rule, registrations at the second level and opening up registrations of .AU domains on a wider scale.

I know this list is primarily for domainers and while it is the industry as a whole I am considering, I do believe that overall changes I support will benefit all registrants, including domainers.

I am more than happy to discuss any of these issues further if anyone wishes, either here, by email (david@goldsteinreport.com) or phone (0418 228 605).



Top Contributor
Hello David - welcome to DNT. It's good to have you here. :)

You have a great background in the domain industry as a whole, so it will be good to get your perspective on issues.

As I said to Lisa, I'm sure you will also be asked a few questions in coming weeks as to your position on various points.

Thank you for engaging with us.

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Top Contributor
Hi David,

Great to see you here. Will you be coming to the domainer's event in Melbourne?




Regular Member

As some of you know, I am a candidate at the upcoming auDA board election.


If elected I would like to pursue some of the issues I was supporting on the recent Names Policy Panel, and also on the Names Policy Panel in 2007. These include reviewing the relevance of the close and substantiation rule, registrations at the second level and opening up registrations of .AU domains on a wider scale.


I am more than happy to discuss any of these issues further if anyone wishes, either here, by email (david@goldsteinreport.com) or phone (0418 228 605).

Hi David, and welcome!

Just wondering what your stance is on these issues?

Do you have a statement of your policies?



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