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Brandables Showcase


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Brandable domains are good, although always make sure they are rememberable and easy to type/spell.

if you can tell the name to someone ONCE at 5pm, then they drink 3am and they can then tell you the name the next day, then you have a brandable domain :)



Top Contributor
I've got Show and Sell in .com.au

Registered it sometime ago and plan to eventually turn it into a 'pre-marketing' real estate site as an alternative to traditional appraisals.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Forward thinking spacey :cool:

I got linkbuilder com au using the expired domain search tool :D

I dunno it is kind of an ok domain for what I do anyways...

Mine is in the .com extension ….i was pleased to get it, another i grabbed was prepayo/com i have about nine names listed for sale at namerific


Top Contributor
A mate asked me a few years back what I thought the domain fashiondirect.com.au was worth - I said it was a nice name but it was only worth low $XXX because it had no search volume...

He sold it for $3000 on the brandability of the name.



I've had lots of offers on brandable domains (mainly .com) and sold a small number of them.

When I first started buying domains I bought quite a few terrible brandables (Rick.S would call them pigeon shit), but as time went on I stopped buying brandables and focussed on products, industries, places etc (still bought a lot of duds mind you!).

Once I had learnt enough to know I wasn't just throwing money out the window (or at least less likely to be), I started buying decent brandable domains that myself or other businesses would actually want to build a brand around.

Back to your story, I've also had $0 or low $xxx appraisals from people (on this forum in fact) and then subsequently sold and had offers for those domains for $xxxx and up.

Appraisals are inherently difficult. I've probably gotten it wrong plenty of times when I've put in my two cents on a domain. Like many others, there are products, markets and niches that I understand and lots that I don't.

With brandables it's tricky because they could be applied to potentially lots of different uses, plus you often won't have metrics such as search numbers to guide you. For this reason core value elements such as the following are even more important for brandables:

Easy to spell
Passes the radio test
Fits with a commercial brand image to pursue one or more markets

I particularly like brandables that define a business type, but also have broader appeal. I've bought a number of these now and they seem to be pretty popular. Most of them have minimal 'exact match' search numbers using Google tools, so if that's solely how you assessed value - you would see them as having a very low worth.

Here's an example (two of mine, .com, .com.au etc):
  • Cheesery
  • The Cheesery
The definition is a cheese making business - but it could also be used for lots of stuff, such as a cheese shop (there are a few that are), grilled cheese truck/cafe (had offers in that area), a site about 'cheesey' stuff (cheesey movies etc) and so on.

It's obviously best suited to the hospitality industry, but it sounds catchy and could be applied to other areas.

It's short, memorable, easy to spell, passes the radio test and has commercial application as a brand - that to me is how to pick a good brandable. I should also note those examples are not for sale.

Would be great to see some more examples from others. Ringstinger is a fantastic story! :D

James, 'congrats' is a fantastic domain! It certainly tickes all the boxes I mentioned :)
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Data Glasses

Top Contributor
genericy/com is another , i am not over loaded on them but hold a few, seems most of the big sites are brandables when you think about it


Top Contributor
i have nudists.com.au

maybe an online clothing store ? :rolleyes:

no, its planned for an accom/resort directory.

it will probably be small ( in winter) bigger in summer :)

depending on the water temperature :)

anyway i plan to get it UP this year :)

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