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Backorder vs Auction


I understand the difference between a backorder and an auction. What I dont understand is when you would use each one.

There is a .com.au domain name that I want that hasn't been renewed, so has status of:

Status serverHold (Expired)
Status serverRenewProhibited (Expired)
Status serverUpdateProhibited (Expired)

I have placed two backorders for it, but do I also have to be checking drop.com to participate in an auction?


Top Contributor
I understand the difference between a backorder and an auction. What I dont understand is when you would use each one.

There is a .com.au domain name that I want that hasn't been renewed, so has status of:

Status serverHold (Expired)
Status serverRenewProhibited (Expired)
Status serverUpdateProhibited (Expired)

I have placed two backorders for it, but do I also have to be checking drop.com to participate in an auction?

In my experience, nobody in Australia currently offers a viable backorder experience. Some organisations claim to; but you may as well make them a "donation" because they won't acquire you the domain.

There are only two companies that will get you an expiring domain - either Drop or Netfleet. They compete with each other. So if you're serious about trying to buy it, then cover your bases on both platforms. And give it your best shot! :)



What is wrong with the backorder services from crazy domains and netregistry?

(not arguing with you about - just new to this)

If I dont get it with the backorders I have placed, do I have time later to get it on Drop in the auction?


Top Contributor
What is wrong with the backorder services from crazy domains and netregistry?

(not arguing with you about - just new to this)

If I dont get it with the backorders I have placed, do I have time later to get it on Drop in the auction?

They don't run the dedicated platforms to 'snap' the domains the instant they become available.

If you want the domain and it's in any way a decent domain, then you'll need to bid on NetFleet and Drop. Check them out each day to see how they work.

All auction and backorder services use the lists published here so you'll know when your domain is ready to be purged from the registry: http://ausregistry.com.au/tools/official-domain-name-drop


Top Contributor
In my experience, nobody in Australia currently offers a viable backorder experience. Some organisations claim to; but you may as well make them a "donation" because they won't acquire you the domain.

Completely agree. If you want the domain you should be bidding on drop.com.au and netfleet.com.au


I cant find the domain on Drop, is it a matter of checking regularly to see if Drop picks it up for Auction?
Netfleet $200 backorder is a bit too expensive


Top Contributor
As neddy said, forget about the backorder services! They don't work, trust us :)

At this point in time, there is really no point on focussing on any platform other than drop and netfleet auctions.

Check the AusRegistry domain drop list for details about when you're domain is eligible for purge / drop and available for registration.


Top Contributor
Netfleet $200 backorder is a bit too expensive

Netfleet backorders are no longer enabled (haven't been for a long time).

To see for yourself, try putting in your domain name and clicking the various buttons. This is the message you will get:

Due to technical issues backorders are currently offline. Please try again later...


The domain is already eligible for purge.
Is it just a matter of checking to see when it is available on the auction site?

(thanks for your help and putting up with my stupid questions btw...)


Top Contributor
The domain is already eligible for purge.
Is it just a matter of checking to see when it is available on the auction site?

(thanks for your help and putting up with my stupid questions btw...)

Yes to first question - check drops daily.

And your questions weren't stupid - we all learn things in our domaining journey. :)

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
If you think $200 is too much to acquire a domain, you may find it hard to be in this business, you will soon see some high prices on the drops. It's the nature of the business

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