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auDA Wholesale Registry Announcements & Forum

Should Melbourne IT be in charge of the new auDA Wholesale Registry Process?

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Update on the Registry Transformation Project
Posted by Cameron Boardman on 5 May 2017

On 26 April 2017, we announced our decision to conduct a restricted tender exercise to enable auDA to build and operate a dedicated .au registry. We also announced our intention to commence an initial scoping exercise, sourcing expert advice where appropriate to facilitate this process.

This decision was not taken lightly. We appreciate the complexity and unique expertise required to build and operate this key piece of national infrastructure.

Appointment of Dr Bruce Tonkin
We’re therefore delighted to announce the appointment of Dr Bruce Tonkin to the auDA team, as the Registry Transformation Project Lead.

Dr Tonkin was most recently Chief Strategy Officer for Melbourne IT Limited. He was involved in the founding of auDA, and has been a regular participant in the Competition and Names Policy Advisory Panels since formation. He has also served nine years on the Board of ICANN (Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers).

Registry Transformation Project
The Registry Transformation Project team will be assisted by an Industry-led Advisory Panel, in addition to a Registrar Liaison Board.

The composition of the Industry-led Advisory Panel will be announced shortly and auDA is now seeking expressions of interest from registrars for the Registrar Liaison Board.

Expressions of interest can be forwarded to engagement@auda.org.au stating the Registrar, the individual nominee representative, contact details and a short statement as to why you would like to participate in the project.

Announcements around the composition of the Industry-led Advisory Panel and the Registrar Liaison Board, will be made after the May 22 Board meeting.
Bruce Tonkin - Chief Strategy Officer for Melbourne IT Limited



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Melbourne IT have some of the highest prices in Australia, They proposed auDA needed to add .pro.au, .biz.au etc. Crazy. They made massive amounts off Australian Domain Name Registrants when they had the registry monopoly before Ausregistry.

This is not only a backwards step it further raises issues about auDA and their true process for going to open market for wholesale registry suitors and information providers.

Now we know the true power members of the auDA board entities have... get onto the board and you may really see a financial benefits.

100% I am against Melbourne IT having any involvement in the Australian Wholesale Registry again. I am not alone.

Newer auDA staff and auDA Board members need to learn their history on this. There is a ton of material online about how Melbourne IT thinks things should be done which in my opinion is against what is needed for innovation and competition.. ... read the material Melbourne IT put out when auDA was looking to go to wholesale registry RFT years ago




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Bruce Tonkin
" Draft Recommendation 1B: The Panel recommends that auDA should retain the current single
registry for existing .au 2LDs, while allowing the option for the introduction of multiple registries in the
Melbourne IT supports this recommendation.

In addition Melbourne IT notes that both .uk and .nz are undertaking consultations to allow registrations at the second level. Melbourne IT believes that there are advantages in .au considering a limited ability to register domain names at the second level of .au .
These would need to meet stringent requirements for eligibility and secure and stable operation. "


auDA releases Request for Tender for provision of registry services for .au 2LDs
Posted by Jo Lim on 30 August 2005

On 30 June 2006 the current Registry Licence Agreement held by AusRegistry expires.

auDA has issued a Request for Tender for a 4 year licence agreement for the provision of registry services in .au second level domains, commencing 1 July 2006.

The closing date for tenders is Friday 30 September 2005.
For more information about the RFT, click here.
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Is he still working for Melbourne IT?

I guess the question is who would be suitable to run the show?


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Is he still working for Melbourne IT?

I guess the question is who would be suitable to run the show?
Anyone but Melbourne IT and Ausregistry... Surely anyone with knowledge of a registry database can run it..It is actually not as hard as many would like us to believe.

How are the other 3000 extensions now being run? Some are run on the smell of an oily rag yet still secure and working.

We do not want auDA being ripped off.. nor Australian .au domain name registrants.... Keep an eye on all tenders, quotes etc...Some people will think this is their next financial windfall...

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