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.au Perspective


Top Contributor
Hello Everyone,

Today I posted an article on domainer.com.au that highlights some statistical facts taken from various high profile market reports. Its not an in depth analysis but a simple snap shot of the Australian market and its relationship to the DNS.
I hope you get a chance to read it and comment; A big thanks to Ned for the encouragement and opportunity to publish it on his site.


Top Contributor
Yeah flooding the space with more parked pages isn't going to improve the DNS . Take for example, our economy is about digging holes and growing sheep yet Google the word wool or mining and you see .com dominates...??? Admittedly, those industries are selling to a global audience but notice the .com.au for wool and mining are dead.


Top Contributor
Yeah flooding the space with more parked pages isn't going to improve the DNS . Take for example, our economy is about digging holes and growing sheep yet Google the word wool or mining and you see .com dominates...??? Admittedly, those industries are selling to a global audience but notice the .com.au for wool and mining are dead.

I suspect there will be problems down the road for small/micro businesses who don't know what to choose between a .com.au and .au and end out choosing a .au. If the business does ok for them they are going to find someone else on the .com.au (for traffic). The .au isn't likely to pass the radio test well.


Top Contributor
Or worse a small business develops the .au choice and the .com.au owner simply mirrors it's success.


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It's not a clearly definablle extension....if .Aussie were released we probably wouldn't care.


Top Contributor
ozzie ? aussie? radio test
If the business does ok for them they are going to find someone else on the .com.au (for traffic)
yep, traffic bleed is going to be a winner, another reason why this represents defensive rego's
i say 1 or the other not both

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