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I am currently in the process of starting a site for a particular industry, which breaks off into many industries..
Though the website will be based around four titles of people in this industry, I have managed to acquire three of the titles, but still a fourth to go..
I didn't have any intention for the fourth as it's more money and I feel I'm just being greedy..

Without too much info is this a foolish move or a strong footing for the future? How do companies look at this kind of thing?



Regular Member
Hey John,

Yep I tend to do that, must admit it made me laugh- at myself.

In a nut shell if I'm starting a site that sells homewares but specialises in knifes, forks, spoons and plates.
So as an example I have Knifes.com.au , spoons.com.au and plates.com.au. (Example only I don't own these).
So is it smart to try and get the fourth, forks.com.au..

I think it's smart to buy up all names relevant to the industry my site supports but this is my question, what's some other peoples opinions?


Top Contributor
I think it's smart to buy up all names relevant to the industry my site supports but this is my question, what's some other peoples opinions?

Hi Beatzones

Looks like your asking the golden question here. :)

It depends on many factors, which are hard to discuss without knowing more details from you. Details such as, which industry, how competitive is it, what kind of time and money and other required resources you have at your disposal etc. etc.

In my view, it is better to focus on each site individually and to get each site to a high quality, and then think about networking them in a way that is natural and useful.

Black and white answer: yes.


Top Contributor
It really comes down to weighing your budget against the estimated value of each domain; not solely in terms of income generation but also the value in giving you some 'clean air' from potential competitors. I'm all for clean air.


Top Contributor
I could mention a bunch of what ifs but since at the end ofthe day Concentrate on brand. Find one brandade domain and put your domain budget into seo and marketing. You will win this way.


Regular Member
This is for the music industry and I was going to use the domains for advertising
The site isn't for the glam side of the industry but for the actually making of music, studios, producers, engineers, songwriters, composers, promoters, managers, and anyone you need to get to where you want to be. Essentially we will be pushing for it to be an industry standard tool- Industry Network.

So I guess this is where I see the need for some generic clout..

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