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$500 Domain Competition => Be the Master... and get $500 Bucks!


Such lack of vision and Business acumen.
I have had Countless domains that when developed shortly after purchase (Despite owning for years Parked.com.au, I never park sites)
Made renewal+ in the First month.

Renewal+, even renewal x 2 or x 3 is still low.

6 months is much better.


It's really good to see people trying new and different things, so kudos to you Ross. Have you got many takers you've got so far?


Top Contributor
Hi Guys,

A lot of people have supported the idea.... which is great but I still need more contestants to make the whole thing more interesting.
At the moment the number is very low... so i'm making the contest even more attractive.

Whoever wins the contest will keep 100% of revenue earnings for the 1 whole year (rather than 6 months).

So here is the offer again.

Everyone gets
100% from the domain for 6 months - then a U60-Me40% revenue split

Winner gets
$200 + $300 + 12 months of 100% revenue from the domain - then a 60-40% revenue split.
Plus i'll even shout a $100 dinner in Melbourne or Sydney.

Not sure who much more attractive this offer can be made.
I just want the contest to be a success ... but it needs your support by BEING a contestant.

So do it now, send me the domain you want to develop... and let's get started.
Closing date is end of this Friday.
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Top Contributor
Ross will you throw in some steak knives as well? Seems like a good deal for someone who has the time, I'm out though.

Goog luck with the contest



Top Contributor
Ross will you throw in some steak knives as well? Seems like a good deal for someone who has the time, I'm out though.

Goog luck with the contest


I don't have steak knives to give away... but I am throwing in a steak as part of the $100 dinner. :D

Obviously there is something that is preventing people from taking up the offer.
Besides lack of time, does anyone want to share their reasons for not entering the contest.

Happy to hear suggestions ... anything that will increase the number of participants.
The deadline for contestants is COB tomorrow.


Top Contributor
I did not even read this till now...

Great idea but the domains are not that interesting.

So, anyone with skills will rather develop their own domains for 100 % profit forever.

Just to let you know, in the past, I tried in other venues, this approach without the $500 bonus for domains such:


and no one was interested to partner.


Top Contributor
^^ What he said.

It's a good idea, but the domains you've put forward are not particularly appealing.

Aside from the potential value of the niche, I generally value domains on the number of exact monthly searches they get. I haven't run the numbers on all of the domains you've listed, but the majority seem to me to have very limited potential.

That's not to say that they are not worth developing, simply that from my point of view the opportunity cost is too high, particularly if we are talking about a joint venture.


Top Contributor
Contest Closed Due to Lack of Participants

Hi Guys,

As you've probably guessed it, there was not enough participants in order to run the contest.
I've recieved a lot of encouragement from the community as a whole... which is great... but you can't run a contest with only 1 participant.

Probably the main factor highlighted by the community is the "2nd rate" quality of domains I have.
I acknowledge they could have been better... but at the end of the day, i was trying to make do with what i've got.

I however feel that the main issue is dntrade not having enough members at this stage... We're still a very small community.
I plan to run this contest again in 1 years time... and hopefully the take-up will be better.

At the same time I would like to acknowledge djuqa for being proactive and willing to "give it a go".

So what i'll do is i'll take up the $149 minisite package for refinance-loan.com.au and Djuqa can keep 100% of revenue that the site generates for the first 6 months.

So Djuqa send me an invoice and let me know how i can get started.


Top Contributor
Sorry to hear the contest is a NON event.
My counter offer is I do the site and give you the FULL income.
You should not be penalised for the event not coming to fruition.
PM Sent

So a FREE use of a Name for a YEAR and a chance to prove your money making ideas was a little daunting?
Says that you have little confidence in your own abilities to enhance value.
Anyone (even Blind freddy) can monetise FantasticKeyword.com.au
A blank page and 1 Adsense ad link will return an income from great names.

It is monetising average names that show true ability.
Ross has a selection of names that as .info or .us, That would be a doddle to monetise
(refinance-loan.com.au was chosen by me because I OWN the .us version and it returns excellent income)
as Com.au's , WooHoo, the names are much easier to monetise. I would have been happy to take ANY of the names.
Any name has money making potential. It is the developers talent and marketing expertise that makes it WORK.
Godaddy, BING , twitter, sedo et al ALL CRAP NAMES but developed not one of you here would knock back their yearly income.

Guys and Gal's (Not forgetting Coreyg) Get past your feeling that somehow COM.au's are inferior to .COM.
That you NEED Really great Names to make money.
I built my empire by registering one name that was free for first 6 months from BottleDomains.
Was it Fantastic.com or Brilliant.com.au or even Woohoo.Com.au
NO it was Dunderhill.ID.au
A couple subdomains , a NEW adsense account, a couple Ideas
12 months later I owned 1500 Names.

So get of your easy chairs and HAVE A GO.
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Top Contributor
Hi Guys,
I however feel that the main issue is dntrade not having enough members at this stage... We're still a very small community.
I plan to run this contest again in 1 years time... and hopefully the take-up will be better.

Well I get the feeling this forum is dominated by domainers not developers so the percentage of users who could actually enter the competition is pretty low.

Maybe try running the comp on a bigger forum that is full of developers and freelances?


Top Contributor
So get of your easy chairs and HAVE A GO.

I think your missing the point most people feel.

We all have a few domains that would compare with the list that was made available. And if we had the time and effort to put into making one a money tree, why would we give a percentage of that to someone else?

If I had the time to develop someone else's domains to make them some money, why wouldn't I just do my own?

The idea of a competition I think on the surface seemed fine.

But really, a post saying "I have some domains that i'd be happy to revenue share with a developer as I don't have time myself" would have got the same or possibly a better response.

So it's not about people not having a go, but when you look into the competition, while I do understand Ross was being somewhat generous, it just isn't all that exciting to most, and is about making money for someone else in the long run.


Top Contributor
I agree with Johno.

I assume most people here have a number of names which could use some development.

Ross, hat off, you offered a fantastic deal and you should be congratulated for your initiative.

Djuqa, would be great if you could post your results month by month (Adsense $$$) to show us just how awesome you are. (Edited to add - Refinance-Loan.com.au only obviously)


Top Contributor
Website Development Case Study (Refinance-Loan.com.au & Personal-Injury-Lawyer.com.a)

I agree with Johno.

I assume most people here have a number of names which could use some development.

Ross, hat off, you offered a fantastic deal and you should be congratulated for your initiative.

Djuqa, would be great if you could post your results month by month (Adsense $$$) to show us just how awesome you are. (Edited to add - Refinance-Loan.com.au only obviously)

I believe in Djuqa... and have taken up his minisite offer for these 2 domains:
  1. Refinance-Loan.com.au
  2. Personal-Injury-Lawyer.com.au
Each of the domains is around 2 years old... and I've made $0 with them.

This is opportunity for everyone to watch as Djuqa does his magic.
I intend to publish the revenue from each site once a week so everyone can monitor their progress.

If the revenue covers the $149 development fee, I intend to use Djuqa's services for 100 of my domains.

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