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3D TV Marketing War Hots Up


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With the increasing acceptance of 3D TV and indeed sales of 3D TV sets on the improve it seems the Big 4 3D TV Manufacturers are in a bidding war for the domain Smarter3DTV.com

LG has been using the term Smart TV in some ads whilst also using Smarter 3D TV in others - pundits suggest the latter term will become the eventual catch-cry. Of course Samsung are using the term Smart TV on their website and Toshiba have claimed for some time to have the best technology with their currently shelved no glasses 3D Screen technology - meanwhile Sony have been hard at it to emulate the 3DS, technology that would be applied to TV sets, so are not sitting idly by. So the Big 4 all have a stake in the claim for Smarter 3D TV.

So it seems the battle is on to not only claim the mantle of Smarter 3D TV technology once and for all but also to cement it with the domain / website of that name.

No doubt many globally will be watching with interest, as I have a few 3D TV domains I certainly will.

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