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Top Contributor
snoopy, www.iinet.com.au could now be broken down to just "iinet" which means email accounts could turn into "snoopy@iinet"

Again it is totally confusing. Secondly not sure that will be technically possible in practice either. name@extension. There is no actual domain in that.

the other point is they do not own the .com, so maybe there is a safety factor there?

Safety in what? What is the issue in not owning the .com that is solved by owning .iinet? I don't see it.

SEO issues: well icann seem to be on a money grab right now and i hope they are talking to google about it .

Why would they be talking to Google? If someone changes domain they are likely going to see SEO effects, it is a fact of life.


Top Contributor
the bean counters would calculate all this and come up with a break even point, i'll spend a whole day creating a script to say me a few minutes because my breakeven point is 4 websites, this is how they think.

The plus is time, the negative is confusion. I would say trying to convince someone to change from "the default" is extremely difficult even if the alternative is somehow better. Imagine trying to get a country to change powerpoint socket format, or trying to get all Australians to drive on the right side of the road, that is what I would compare it to.

New tlds are never really better, the minority might think that, but at the end of the day they all flop because of confusion.


Top Contributor
This means if our application is successful (as we believe it will be), at some point in the future you can chop off the ‘.net.au’ from the ‘.iinet.net.au’!

Is this right? Don't you have to have something to the left of the dot or not?


Top Contributor
Is this right? Don't you have to have something to the left of the dot or not?

Don't really follow how someone could just type in an extension (can't find any other "extensions" that resolve - and registries would if they could I think), suspect they'd need to use www.iinet or similar. Think the same would apply for email, can't see john@.iinet working for example, if it did I think some email systems would seeing it as an error. Again both are totally confusing.


Regular Member
I can understand a body like the AFL or NRL going for something like this. They would be to use something like news.afl or ladder.nrl. That would be great for mobile devices and you would know that you're going to the official source of information.

As for a company level such as iiNet, I just don't get it!


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dave , maybe they realise they have a S&^*T domain name and need to do something about it !

probably better they rebrand themselves at the same time like go from " telecom to telstra" , " bhp to bluesteel "

dave: dare i say that link explained what i was saying earlier in this thread re dropping the.net.au and like i said.... maybe.... they don't need anythign to the left of it in the future?


Archived Member
iinet hardly have brand name or domain name issues and if they did, it certainly hasn't stopped their growth over the past few years (kicking myself for not buying @60c, knew i should've done that!)

If anything, internode's url is far more confusing (cool nerd appeal though) but less so than a .iinet extension would be.


Top Contributor
iinet hardly have brand name or domain name issues and if they did, it certainly hasn't stopped their growth over the past few years (kicking myself for not buying @60c, knew i should've done that!)

If anything, internode's url is far more confusing (cool nerd appeal though) but less so than a .iinet extension would be.

yeh, internode has always bugged me and i think it was back in 2001 i first discovered them so they had plenty of time to get a better one !!!


Top Contributor
dave , maybe they realise they have a S&^*T domain name and need to do something about it !

probably better they rebrand themselves at the same time like go from " telecom to telstra" , " bhp to bluesteel "

dave: dare i say that link explained what i was saying earlier in this thread re dropping the.net.au and like i said.... maybe.... they don't need anythign to the left of it in the future?

What is wrong with the current domain?

The company is called iinet, they own iinet.com.au and iinet.net.au (only of any real significance because they are an ISP).

End of story really in my view, they don't need anything else. (well the could own the .com, but not having it is minor)
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Top Contributor
WOW snoopy, i don't think i have posted ANYTHING on dntrade you haven't slagged off ! man would i like to buy you a beer face to face some time ! honest.

everything in this thread keeps going around in circles, i chose to "agree to disagree" and i'm out of here.



Regular Member
Personally use search engines a fair bit to find websites I know the domain for, not sure it is any slower really.

For sites that I view often, I tend to type them into the URL bar because they are saved as favourites and are loaded immediately.

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
WOW snoopy, i don't think i have posted ANYTHING on dntrade you haven't slagged off ! man would i like to buy you a beer face to face some time ! honest.

everything in this thread keeps going around in circles, i chose to "agree to disagree" and i'm out of here.


snoopy doesn't drink beer ...

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