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AUDA about to hand Ausregistry another 5 years?


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....Someone must have known the Ausregistry Neustar sell off and delisting was coming before yesterday..... is this why they rushed in their unsolicited offer submission to auDA recently to get it renewed before news of their sale was released? Did they disclose it in their submission to auDA?

I'd say that is fairly likely. AUDA is negotiating with an organisation that will simply run rings around them. You can be pretty sure Ausregistry will have all their bases covered. It is very business savvy people versus AUDA, the outcome is a foregone conclusion.


Top Contributor
Just to change the subject slightly ...

With all this hubbub over direct registrations and AusRegistry, it just dawned on me that there is no auDA Christmas Party this year! First time in a long time.

Or perhaps there is / was, and I wasn't invited! ;)


Top Contributor
Just to change the subject slightly ...

With all this hubbub over direct registrations and AusRegistry, it just dawned on me that there is no auDA Christmas Party this year! First time in a long time.

Or perhaps there is / was, and I wasn't invited! ;)

Hopefully they doing this to cut costs, rather than an opposing viewpoint that they are trying to avoid members, especially in Melbourne where nearly 60% of members are based.


Top Contributor
Hopefully they doing this to cut costs, rather than an opposing viewpoint that they are trying to avoid members, especially in Melbourne where nearly 60% of members are based.
They need to cut costs after flying all Directors and some staff to Sydney for the AGM (attended by very few actual Members - see below).

Member / Public Attendees
Alister Paterson, Helen Hollins (staff), Cheryl Langdon-Orr, Annaliese Williams (Department of Communications), Rodrigo Dalenogori, Narelle Clark, Paul Johnson, Ken Wright (Auditor), Derek Whitehead, Ned O'Meara, Keith Besgrove, Holly Raiche, Teresa Mitchell, Jonathon Horne, Raymond Zylstra, Angelo Giuffrida, Sean Fogarty, Lion Global Representative, Kevin Karp, Shane Moore, Jessica Moore, David Whittle, David Goldstein, Bobby Khanna, Luke Summers, Tim Connell


Top Contributor
And I should add that Alister Paterson is the person who was recently engaged by auDA to consult members - read this statement.

So I'm sure his airfare and expenses were also covered by auDA.

I have nothing against Alister - he seems a really nice guy. Like Cameron Boardman, he was a former State Member of Parliament.


Top Contributor
once i was elected i thought it was quite nice to catch the limo to the airport and get bumped up to qantas first class so i could have the king island lobster and moet on the way home to melbourne.

but i did have to complain as the limo was a 2014 model which i now find totally unexceptable . but they did fix that problem before i landed as we had to go to berwick via geelong to pick up the dogs, thankfully on the way to geelong i was able to book a helicopter which took a lot of time off the trip for me, unfortunately there wasn't enough room for the dogs beause of the 4 hostesses so the dogs stayed in the limo for the drive home.

and that rubbish about a red ferrari i just do not know where you get that information, its common knowledge first time board directors get yellow porsches !



Top Contributor
once i was elected i thought it was quite nice to catch the limo to the airport and get bumped up to qantas first class so i could have the king island lobster and moet on the way home to melbourne.

but i did have to complain as the limo was a 2014 model which i now find totally unexceptable . but they did fix that problem before i landed as we had to go to berwick via geelong to pick up the dogs, thankfully on the way to geelong i was able to book a helicopter which took a lot of time off the trip for me, unfortunately there wasn't enough room for the dogs beause of the 4 hostesses so the dogs stayed in the limo for the drive home.

and that rubbish about a red ferrari i just do not know where you get that information, its common knowledge first time board directors get yellow porsches !

Expect the red telephone to ring shortly - if it hasn't rung already. ;)


Top Contributor
I've had this article on Domainer on the go for a couple of days, but a story overnight on Domain Name Wire about a RDNH decision (by John Swinson) gave me the perfect platform. And Erhan happened to mention him in this thread he started on DNT today.

Have a read what John Swinson said about AusRegistry and auDA back in 2012 (when he made a submission to the 2012 Industry Advisory Panel on behalf of a client). Here's one snippet of his:

“From a public policy and corporate and internet governance viewpoint, it is extremely important that the market be tested at regular intervals, through a public tender process, to ensure that the fees charged for the services provided by the third party for-profit registry operator are fair and reasonable”.


Top Contributor
I've had this article on Domainer on the go for a couple of days, but a story overnight on Domain Name Wire about a RDNH decision (by John Swinson) gave me the perfect platform. And Erhan happened to mention him in this thread he started on DNT today.

Have a read what John Swinson said about AusRegistry and auDA back in 2012 (when he made a submission to the 2012 Industry Advisory Panel on behalf of a client). Here's one snippet of his:

“From a public policy and corporate and internet governance viewpoint, it is extremely important that the market be tested at regular intervals, through a public tender process, to ensure that the fees charged for the services provided by the third party for-profit registry operator are fair and reasonable”.

auDA is under contract to the Australian Federal Government. As a "supplier" to the government they have very serious obligations to meet. I question if the government has done enough to oversee auDA for all of these years. It appears they have not done enough at all.

Did auDA shred and burn that letter from Mr. Swinson? Did they respond?

Maybe Cameron Boardman could pick up the phone to Mr. Swinson to assure him auDA has changed for the better now he has taken over as the new auDA CEO and improvements have been made on the points raised by Mr. Swinson 4 years ago....

John may wish to join this forum and Domainer.com.au.... I am sure someone will contact him this week

Did the auDA Board and auDA Board Risk Committee read it? Ausregistry / Neustar Inc USA... Melbourne IT ? Is this a Joke?

Didn't Melbourne IT send our Yes Only survey vote forms for the direct au extension voting which auDA admits swayed the votes to yes?

Can anyone else see conflicts of interest here?


auDA Board
Board Meetings
Click here for Board meeting schedules and minutes.
Current Directors
Name and Class Term
Stuart Benjamin

Independent 14/11/2016 - 14/11/2017
Simon Johnson
Demand Class 28/11/2016 - 2018 AGM
Erhan Karabardak
Deputy Chair
Supply Class 28/11/2016 - 2018 AGM
Joe Manariti
(SWiM Communications) Supply Class 28/11/2016 - 2018 AGM
George Pongas
Supply Class 30/11/2015 - 2017 AGM
Kartic Srinivasan
(Melbourne IT)
Supply Class 30/11/2015 - 2017 AGM

Tony Staley
Independent Appointed by the board under clause 18.2 of the auDA Constitution
Grant Wiltshire
Demand Class 30/11/2015 - 2017 AGM
Dr. Michaella Richards
Demand Class 10/10/2016 - 2017 AGM
Leonie Walsh
Independent 10/10/2016 - 10/10/2018
Tim Connell
Demand Class 28/11/2016 - 2018 AGM

Board Committees

The Board has established the following standing committees:

  • Finance & Audit - Kartic Srinivasan (Chair), Joe Manariti, Grant Wiltshire with Di Parker (Finance Manager, auDA) and Cameron Boardman (CEO, auDA)
  • Governance, Board Succession & Remuneration - Stuart Benjamin (Chair), Tony Staley, Simon Johnson, Erhan Karabardak, Joe Manariti with Cameron Boardman (CEO, auDA)
  • Strategic Risk - Simon Johnson (Chair), George Pongas, Kartic Srinivasan with Cameron Boardman (CEO, auDA)
Click here for more on Board Committees and the Board Committee Minutes archive.


Top Contributor
Saw a great analogy to this auDA / AusRegistry situation in The Age. It concerns Tennis Australia making (what some are saying) a very friendly deal for television rights with Seven West Media. No competitive tender.

Wrote about it on Domainer today.


Top Contributor
The most recent auDa minutes are out.

Interesting to see the section on Ausregistry
Motion proposed by Tim Connell and seconded by Leonie Walsh that auDA enter into a period of exclusive negotiation with Neustar for the continuation of the Registry operations subject to the Board's satisfaction. Carried

Looks like Tim followed your suggestion Ned and he got his position noted in the minutes by proposing the motion.

My suggestion to Tim for any future discussions (that he disagrees with) is to make sure he asks the Company Secretary to record his position on the Minutes. The rest of the Board and CEO won't like that.

Me I am very disappointed.

adjective: disappointed
sad or displeased because someone or something has failed to fulfil one's hopes or expectations.


Top Contributor
Looks like Tim followed your suggestion Ned and he got his position noted in the minutes by proposing the motion.

Hope not, that makes it sound like it was Tim who was most keen on giving Ausregistry another 5 years without looking at any competition. Still wondering if Tim has been setup with all of this, "Tim you are new, it would be an honour if you proposed this motion!".

The CFO advised that a deficit of $62K was recorded in October against a reforecast deficit of $19K which means a negative result to budget of $43K was achieved.

What on earth is AUDA spending money on to now be getting results like this? They must be spending a extra couple of hundred thousand a month at the moment?


Top Contributor
What on earth is AUDA spending money on to now be getting results like this? They must be spending a extra couple of hundred thousand a month at the moment?
Tim's private jet flights, helicopter rides, 5 star hotels and internationally acclaimed restaurant meals are starting to stack up.
Can't wait to see him arrive on a purpose built auDA helipad outside Y&J for the February DNTrade meetup. Metro no more :D


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I'm puzzled how auDA can enter an exclusive negotiation with anyone without first adhering to their own policy for tendering first.
Perhapes this meme can explain it -

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