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Auda isn't your threat !


Top Contributor
What a load of rubbish. Do you always talk such rubbish Tim?

Most new tlds are declining, the peak was 2 years ago. They are failing, and yes if most are failing then the program itself is failing.

Have you been paid by new tld registries now or in the past?
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David Goldstein

Top Contributor
Most new tlds are declining, the peak was 2 years ago. They are failing, and yes if most are failing then the program itself is failing.

Have you been paid by new tld registries now or in the past?
So you're going to tell me that most ccTLDs in the developed world, most legacy gTLDs and most new gTLDs are all failing because most of them are declining in numbers?

And so I'm supposed to reveal my clients when nobody else is expected to... sure, if every other commenter lists their clients with each post I will...


Top Contributor
David, the ntlds have out for 5 years and numbers started falling within 3 years, that isn’t a picture of success. If they were working fast growth would be happening, instead of that it is a shoddy product launched into a mature and already saturated market.

Thanks for confirming you are on the payroll.

David Goldstein

Top Contributor
David, the ntlds have out for 5 years and numbers started falling within 3 years, that isn’t a picture of success. If they were working fast growth would be happening, instead of that it is a shoddy product launched into a mature and already saturated market.

Thanks for confirming you are on the payroll.
Once again thanks for confirming your stupidity.


Top Contributor
So as an experiment i went to buy florist.melbourne but its taken so i chose theflorist.melbourne

[ when they first started i did the same and the price was @ $13,000 i think.]

when i click on buy it gave me options, ventra, goD, crazyD, instra
the link to ventra CHANGED the doman name to thefloristmms.melbourne ! ? adding "mms" into the domain
so i fixed it and it was 9.95p/y
crazyD was $79 a yr
goD was $99 a year
and instra just didn't care and sent me to a search page so i could start all over again.

not the reason for no/slow take up but its been long enough to check all this stuff.
I know ventra will be onto that MMS issue today !
maybe i'd get a freebie for beta testing LOL.

or do i always speak crap?


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