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Thanks DNT


Top Contributor
“A Board resolution to change auDA’s brand to auHQ will be put to members for their input.”

I’m really puzzled about why this was not communicated clearer, it’s a full-on change in my opinion.

auHQ – HQ (Headquarters) if it was decided that auDA shall remain the Administrator (Policy Authority) for the .au and that HQ would become the Registry business then, it kind of makes sense the Regulator and Registry are functionally separated. Why rebrand the entire organization?

Are you able to comment about this resolution?


Top Contributor
Di Parker very kindly advised me a short while ago that this year's Minutes have been uploaded to the auDA website. She apologised for delay, but explained she had been on some pre-arranged leave. So well done Di.

It's great to have them back up. Even though so much "stuff" is missing, you still get a feel for what has been going on in the background. That's what members wanted.

The interesting things to me were that direct registrations were recommended to put on hold for at least a year (April Minutes); and that the Deloitte report commissioned at the end of November keeps getting pushed back each month!

Bacon Farmer

Top Contributor
Who is pushing direct registrations now Neustar has been neutered?

The evidence (.uk .nz failures) and auDA's claim about protecting Australia doesn't wash.


Top Contributor
Hi Scott. I'd suggest reading through the minutes when they are published. If you have any questions after that, I'd be happy to answer subject to confidentiality obligations.

Simon, Why couldnt Cameron communicate this "clearly" when asked at the SGM?
Its ok, I get it.


Top Contributor
Deloitte report commissioned at the end of November keeps getting pushed back each month!

I doubt now Deloitte could unfold a box let alone organize a truthful report, they're probably scampering for the door about what CPA members found out.

Deloitte's conflicting audits on CPA Australia, Advice subsidiary
How on earth did the auditors of both CPA entities, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, miss the conflicting reconciliations?

'CPA hiding info'
CPA and Deloitte have still not got it right as the new document isn't a single combined report of all payments from CPA and its subsidiaries to all directors as required by law.

its big news.

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