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July 2017 domain industry meetup


Top Contributor
Update for me, not totally sure now as I've my son in Adelaide to look after- At this stage a 'might be attending'


Top Contributor
see you tonight, i'll be there early as i'm in the city with other meetings
call me if you want to meet, 0439 859 860


Top Contributor
I'm sorry I can't make it along this time but perhaps this might be useful for a meetup discussion topic as it is relevant to all in the industry, government and every domain name registrant concerned with the issues.

Maybe over a beer (or softdrink etc) things can be discussed, resolved and some common sense kicks in..... It is not working how it is at the moment and it's hurting the reputation and proper management of the .au namespace.


Top Contributor
things can be discussed
no, never have, no board matters are discussed, its an industry catch up and i enjoy it as i sit there not as a director but as findtim, i also think the people who attend have the respect for me to not expect anything else.
its just a fun night and the topics often go outside of domaining.

let me correct the post, they discuss board matters, i don't


Top Contributor
i sit there not as a director but as findtim

I'd like to politely remind you that you were elected to the board as a director as "findtim". They are one in the same.

The fact you separate the two will lose you more votes than you can afford.

We elected you to stand up for end users, but we've seen none of it. Queue the PM? Don't bother. I'm not interested in what's been done behind the scenes.

I renewed my membership to make my vote count. Many come here and blow wind up our you know what near election time.

You are here but never discuss the hard issues. Must be some club we voted you into.

I've forgotten why we voted 1 findtim???

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
I'm sorry I can't make it along this time but perhaps this might be useful for a meetup discussion topic as it is relevant to all in the industry, government and every domain name registrant concerned with the issues.

Maybe over a beer (or softdrink etc) things can be discussed, resolved and some common sense kicks in..... It is not working how it is at the moment and it's hurting the reputation and proper management of the .au namespace.
Not today thanks, have you ever come along to our meetups?


Top Contributor
cool night as usual although it took me 2 and a half hours to get home as they close the train line at caulfield not dandy !!! but forgot to tell the busses !! so hundreds of us were left standing on the side of the road being directed by yellow shirts with not a good grasp of english....sorry... but it was like getting directions from a mcdonalds drive thru speaker.



Top Contributor
It would have been good to catch up & talk things auDA, was there much of it discussed yesterday?


Top Contributor
It would have been good to catch up & talk things auDA, was there much of it discussed yesterday?

Popular keywords from the night,

[keyword redacted], [keyword redacted], [keyword redacted], [keyword redacted], plug ins.
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