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Domain Sales List 2017


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fetch: there are many ways to look at the same end result, $25, $132k and $1mil
i agree with you robert but can't not also agree with johno69, its just hindsight now.
in the end, good name, opportunity, end result, move on.
someone on this forum said, "sell it and then forget it" what they do with it is just that, fetch will only be fetch because of the 10mil behind it and the domain owner would never have done that so good luck to them IMO.

i asked a fair few people about the name ( nobodies ) and they all said something relating to dogs........ food, accessories, vet, dog training etc certainly no TV.
eg: Stan !!!! is only stan because of branding.



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DBR (brokered) sales that I can discuss:
February 2017
PD.com.au $42,000 (I represented the buyer)
March 2017
Fetch.com.au $132,000 (I represented the seller)
Awesome sales!

Do the new owners know about the auDA, auDA Board and Supply plans for the additional competing .au extension?

How will those new owners feel if they do not get the rights to the planned additional competing direct ,au extension or they have to pay more now every year for another .au name just to protect their .com.au investment?

How will existing .com.au owners be protected and not adversely affected with more costs?

Should .com.au owners be given the .au extension FREE? This is what happened in several countries. Buy a .com.sg and get the .sg FREE etc.


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If you pay $132k, or even the $42k for a domain name, $20/year to defend it is not going to make anyone flinch.
That is exactly the thinking supply would like all existing .com.au owners to have! Force all existing owners to have to pay to defend register yet anther domain name extension for no actual user benefit...just to increase profits for auDA, Ausregistry etc

Who says existing .com.au owners will even get the automatic .au rights? There has been zero information from auDA


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Is there a method/strategy to this choice?
PalmBeachHolidays.com.au $2,100 - Netfleet
I see other beach suburbs available on hand reg ie *suburb*BeachHolidays.com.au
Is it luck, demand, or just the popular beaches?


Top Contributor
its not the same, "palm beach" is the place , not "palm beach beach holidays" , does that make sense?
so *suburb*( which contains the word beach) holidays would be the same and then yes it does depend on popularity.

i take it they are talking about palm beach gold coast as its more accommodation/holiday populated then palm beach sydney.

and perhaps some hype because of the com-wealth games



Top Contributor
its not the same, "palm beach" is the place , not "palm beach beach holidays" , does that make sense?
so *suburb*( which contains the word beach) holidays would be the same and then yes it does depend on popularity.

i take it they are talking about palm beach gold coast as its more accommodation/holiday populated then palm beach sydney.

and perhaps some hype because of the com-wealth games


Gotcha the suburb contains the word beach not just a suburb then beach holidays.

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