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Reg fee .au domains can pay off!


Top Contributor
Did i say they were not keyword domains? there isn't thousands of the names I target...

lol that is all

Doesn't matter what kind of domain they were, if domain investors can make money with reg fee domains they'd own thousands, not "several". I'm guessing you developed some sites, but that has nothing to do with the claims in the story, a site called fghgfdhf.xyz could make money with enough time and dollars sunk into it, but that would have nothing to do with making money domaining.


Top Contributor
did i say they were not keyword domains? they isn't thousands of the names I target
Doesn't matter what kind of domain they were, if domain investors can make money with reg fee domains they'd own thousands, not "several". I'm guessing you developed some sites, but that has nothing to do with the claims in the story, a site called fghgfdhf.xyz could make money with enough time and dollars sunk into it, but that would have nothing to do with making money domaining.
Hey snoopy do you even own a website or do you just come here to troll?

This is a new hand reg site I targeted it has to be a keyword rich domain and it's hands free I sleep it makes money it took less then 2 hours to setup its 2015 not 1999



Top Contributor
did i say they were not keyword domains? they isn't thousands of the names I target

Hey snoopy do you even own a website or do you just come here to troll?

This is a new hand reg site I targeted it has to be a keyword rich domain and it's hands free I sleep it makes money it took less then 2 hours to setup its 2015 not 1999

oh its a .com you like them right.


Top Contributor
did i say they were not keyword domains? they isn't thousands of the names I target

Hey snoopy do you even own a website or do you just come here to troll?

As I said it is an article about buy/selling domains, not developing sites. Did you actually read the article?


Top Contributor
As I said it is an article about buy/selling domains, not developing sites. Did you actually read the article?
I read your response about how a hand reg name cant make money this proves this is not the case simple well i must go and develop some more crappy names:p


Top Contributor
My suggestion would be to read what the thread is actually about.
its about hand reg domains I hand regged a domain put up a site click my fingers and it started making money well a bit more to it then that but whole time took 2 hours so not exactly time consuming. sure parked it would make bugger all.

put in laymen terms you say hand reg can not make money you were wrong, its not time consuming if you know what your doing.

I also have a 5 minute site that makes cash 2 all i did was use a white label program but you already know this. that ones a net.au and it makes me over 6k a year just a tad more then reg fee. I could make more if I bothered to advertise it but this is just beer money and I am to lazy to promote it lol.


Top Contributor
You need to read the article because you are off on your own tangent. It is about buy/selling domains, not developing websites.


Top Contributor
You need to read the article because you are off on your own tangent. It is about buy/selling domains, not developing websites.
But... My hand reg names still makes money most domainers either park or put up crappy 1 pager sites before name is sold right, so why is my 20 minute sites any different? is it because it actually makes enough for beer.

maybe a domainer holding a neg portfolio will go and work out how to put up a decent looking site, instead of a place full of ugly parked pages...

I have sold most of my hand reg names undeveloped for over $100 not thousands but so what they cost me $20 lol

is that what you want to hear?


Top Contributor
on another note i wanted a domain that was offered to me 2.5yrs ago for $1500, i thought that was to much so they sold it to someone and only got $100 via NF ! , that person did nothing with it, it went through drops the other day and i hand reg'd it the next day !
it has longevity back to 2012, no backlinks, no real PR, but a nice name and a good source for lead gathering IMO.
so when you consider 1200 drops a day, if you don't really care to bid, you can pick up some jems the next day if they have the right stats/numbers behind them ANDDDDDDDDDDD you know what to do with it once you have it.



Top Contributor
I have sold most of my hand reg names undeveloped for over $100 not thousands but so what they cost me $20 lol
to be realistic, $20, thats not the "cost to you" , it actually is far greater and you are loosing money.
1) your time in research
2) your money
3) your gst and tax
4) your time finding the buyer
5) negotiating with the buyer
6) transfering the domain to someone that doesn't know how to do it themselves
7) i'm sure snoopy can add some extras !



Top Contributor
to be realistic, $20, thats not the "cost to you" , it actually is far greater and you are loosing money.
1) your time in research
2) your money
3) your gst and tax
4) your time finding the buyer
5) negotiating with the buyer
6) transfering the domain to someone that doesn't know how to do it themselves
7) i'm sure snoopy can add some extras !

But i bought em threw em on netfleet they sold so not much effort really.
but still my crappy hand reg names make money daily so snoopiy gripe about u cant make money in .au is still wrong :confused:
and if it were true you cant make money in hand reg then why does this forum exist ...


Top Contributor
on another note i wanted a domain that was offered to me 2.5yrs ago for $1500, i thought that was to much so they sold it to someone and only got $100 via NF ! , that person did nothing with it, it went through drops the other day and i hand reg'd it the next day !
it has longevity back to 2012, no backlinks, no real PR, but a nice name and a good source for lead gathering IMO.
so when you consider 1200 drops a day, if you don't really care to bid, you can pick up some jems the next day if they have the right stats/numbers behind them ANDDDDDDDDDDD you know what to do with it once you have it.

I have picked a few up this way but I don't wait a whole day most i pickup are short 1 word names so they have a few trying to hand reg I would guess.


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i only did it the next day because i forgot about it, i'm not watching drops much these days but when i was you are right i had it timed to 4-5 minutes ( 1.04pm ) but that timing seems to have changed as well and i haven't experimented lately. thats why i call it "double drop" as you could be trying to snipe the handreg from someone else.
one day another dnt member handreg'd something i wanted after double drop and ran him to say nicely " bugger" and his reply was " well i gave you an hour " which he had, so alls fair.
first come first served


Top Contributor
But i bought em threw em on netfleet they sold so not much effort really.
but still my crappy hand reg names make money daily so snoopiy gripe about u cant make money in .au is still wrong :confused:
and if it were true you cant make money in hand reg then why does this forum exist ...

If it was not much effort for that $80 "profit" you'd be doing it with thousands of domains, not a few.

There is money to be made in reg fee names but it is the hard path to choose in my view, 99.9% of those names have already been rejected by other domainers. It is sifting through turd for the very best. Of the very best, almost all are still turds and won't be profitable, they just look better than the rest. Those who can make money I think number very few people compared to other areas like the drops for example.

I've never met anyone who has done well out of domaining via selling domains for $100 either, much like a plumber doing house calls for $20 it just doesn't stack up even if it only costs him $5 in fuel. As Tim suggests selling for this price is never really going to be profitable once costs and time are factored in.


Top Contributor
But i bought em threw em on netfleet they sold so not much effort really.
This was relatively easy to do when Netfleet had an aftermarket auctions service. It takes a lot more effort now that they no longer offer that service.
My experience has been that alternative auction platforms such as Flippa require a greater investment of time and the results aren't nearly as good for .au as they were with Netfleet auctions.

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