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Scored some press for my website


Top Contributor
Just thought I'd share a little win from yesterday.
I managed to get a link from the Brisbane Times, which is the Fairfax news website up here.
Here's the article. My link is in the third paragraph:
Not only that, but ABC Radio contacted me during the day after seeing the article, and asked if I could talk on-air during their drive program.
So for less than two hours work, I picked up a link from a big news website and also had the website mentioned on radio three times.
Lesson: If you come across something remotely newsworthy that relates to one of your websites, do your best to get it out there!


Top Contributor
Nice. Sidenote: I've always been curious to know if short domains would also be valuable to the people who bought License plates.


Top Contributor
Just thought I'd share a little win from yesterday.
I managed to get a link from the Brisbane Times, which is the Fairfax news website up here.
Here's the article. My link is in the third paragraph:
Not only that, but ABC Radio contacted me during the day after seeing the article, and asked if I could talk on-air during their drive program.
So for less than two hours work, I picked up a link from a big news website and also had the website mentioned on radio three times.
Lesson: If you come across something remotely newsworthy that relates to one of your websites, do your best to get it out there!
Nice Shane, well done!!!


Top Contributor
Nice. Sidenote: I've always been curious to know if short domains would also be valuable to the people who bought License plates.
Maybe. I have a few short plates, and I do like short domains.
But that may simply be because I happen to be interested in both domains and number plates.


Top Contributor
Oh yeah forgot to ask. How/who did you reach out to these guys or did they just contact you because of the domain ?


Top Contributor
I just went to their website and clicked on the link to send them a news tip.
A journalist emailed me back and arranged a time for a phone interview.
The radio interview came about after one of the producers at the ABC read the news article.


Top Contributor
Sometimes you need to pick up the phone to acquire high quality links, we acquired links on sites like Apple.com and PayPal in the past for clients doing "phone outreach" we also had a "direct mail" link building campaign.

Good work tho =)


Top Contributor
yep james "pick up the phone"
good one shane, great story and i read the whole article, basically you just did the reporters work for them !!!! and thats what these people want, quality aussie stories handed the them on a platter because they are struggling to get CONTENT ! as everything just goes online.
we have MX free paper down here in Melb , i think its in Bris not sure on Syd, its just content coming off the internet and then printed !
papers are DEAD but my father still buys them but how do you sell to an 85yr old that has everything ?
on a train everyones eyes are on their iphone or ipad
radio is ALIVE and kicking as its car based and perfect for a number plate topic, but digital radio will dissolve this in another 2 years IMO.
but even if we have hovercars the government will still want them to have numberplates :)


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