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Thanks for the heads up I appreciate it. Do you use this hosting provider at the moment? Can you comment on reliability and performance?


Top Contributor
just last year i had a unlimited hostgator account ( single domain )and they told me they were about to shut me down, i managed to tell them why i was getting so many visits, it spiked quickly because it got mentioned on "good morning australia" but they insisted i move it to dedicated servers from shared hosting.


Data Glasses

Top Contributor
just last year i had a unlimited hostgator account ( single domain )and they told me they were about to shut me down, i managed to tell them why i was getting so many visits, it spiked quickly because it got mentioned on "good morning australia" but they insisted i move it to dedicated servers from shared hosting.


DId you swap over and what was the price difference, what is the cheapest dedicated server locally ?


Top Contributor
i did swap ( client request ) and it was @ $139 p/m and i only had to do it for 2 months and i didn't have to go into a contract which was the good point.

hostgator moved the site ( largeeeeeee ) for me at no cost !!! database and all

i have now since moved it to ventraip which seemed to be the best choice at the time, i had initial hassles with setup and it was a combination of them not understanding what i needed and me not understanding their system.

now the dust has settled and i have used it more i find ventraip reasonable simple to work in.

i have the economy VPS plan



Top Contributor
WELL F me dead ! today hostgator shuts down another one of my sites !!!

apparently to much CPU usage, so now they have whitelisted my IP so I can fix it by following their suggestions.

their suggestions are to have no more them 5 plugins on a wordpress site, their next suggestion is to install a PLUGIN !!! wp-cache

after that they have other suggestions , do not use google sitemap, do not use any SEO plugins and do not use any backup plugins.

I'm going to duplicate this into Friday funnies sorry.



Snicker.. that IS funny...

If it happened to me I'd need to get over my indignation and anger before I could laugh, tho.


Regular Member
WELL F me dead ! today hostgator shuts down another one of my sites !!!

apparently to much CPU usage, so now they have whitelisted my IP so I can fix it by following their suggestions.

their suggestions are to have no more them 5 plugins on a wordpress site, their next suggestion is to install a PLUGIN !!! wp-cache

after that they have other suggestions , do not use google sitemap, do not use any SEO plugins and do not use any backup plugins.

I'm going to duplicate this into Friday funnies sorry.


Sorry to say that I experienced this from Hostgator on the weekend too and they couldn't tell me exactly what was causing the issues or extensive resource usage. Received exactly the same advice too such as not using too many plugins etc - Glad I'm slowly moving my websites to Ventraip where it has been a much easier process.


Top Contributor
Sorry to say that I experienced this from Hostgator on the weekend too and they couldn't tell me exactly what was causing the issues or extensive resource usage. Received exactly the same advice too such as not using too many plugins etc - Glad I'm slowly moving my websites to Ventraip where it has been a much easier process.

what package did you choose with ventraIP and how many domains do you intend to put in it?



Top Contributor
Seen this kind of thing happening to entrepreneur start-ups going for the cheap hosting while they bootstrap their online business. They get told their site is using too much CPU or IO and they have do idea what that means and what they can do about it.

To make things worse, even an experienced web guy could have trouble picking a CPU or IO issue on a remote shared web server.

I guess if you pay a little more for good support, then the support guys may troubleshoot a little and at least point out what looks to be cause of the problem.

I think some of this just seems to be a web server that is at or near capacity, and they usually have some quick comeback lines about how you need to change your site etc.


Top Contributor
d they usually have some quick comeback lines about how you need to change your site etc

you are right, they have standard scripts they just cut n paste into the support chat and send you on your way.

i got mine back online pretty quickly, i did almost everythin gthey asked, then emailed support, then straight back onto the chat support to let them know i emailed support, then replied ASAP to anything that came from then, ALWAYS thanked them for helping, pleaded that they should be able to see i am being proactive and its a VERY important site for me............... etc

all in all, even after the experience i'm not moving my sites off them as the customer service is 99% perfect.

i have 5 different accounts with them , 3 reseller, 1 dedicated and 1 "unlimited" so if something really goes wrong i can move a small to medium site and relegate pretty quickly , the larger ones are where that system falls down.



Top Contributor
You can get the same service with Australian providers. Support Australians I reckon

i have failed to find that, cost + support... 24 hour support, i'd LOVE to know who can match HG?.... and god knows i have tried, i've even posted asking for suggestions and investigated ALL suggestions and still nothing.



Top Contributor
A few hosts have shut me down for excessive CPU use over the years mainly Host Gator & Ventra IP...Usually when something goes viral and you get 100k visits in a short period of time.

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