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Salary Calculator Australia Website Review


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imho its a bit ugly. maybe use bootstrap to make it easier on the eyes. the actual calculator is too small, its as big as the footer


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imho its a bit ugly. maybe use bootstrap to make it easier on the eyes. the actual calculator is too small, its as big as the footer

Agree, It wasn't really designed to be eye catching and the calculator was made that size so adsense placements could configured around it.

I'm not sure if a really appealing design would convert into more adsense revenue or leads being generated.


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I'm not sure if a really appealing design would convert into more adsense revenue or leads being generated.

I think it would. It would appear to be a genuine site rather than a made for adsense site and people tend to click more on those.


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Have made a few simple changes to the site and will increase the size of the calculator to 728px which will be the same width as the Adsense Leadboard ads.


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I never like sites that have the slider on every page, follow that up with a adsense GODADDY advert as a banner before I get to some content makes me BOUNCE straight out.

the calculator is good but seriously big whoop !

it doesn't show me an authority or respect for the domain, its really close to a parking page format, I'm sure your stats would show a 2 second exit time on the homepage...... if that.

don't have a forum if you DON'T have members !

Any suggestions on how to make it more appealing and monetise it better would be appreciated.

as above: make the slider only appear on the homepage, remove the adsense block and maybe put them into sidebars, use image adsense links as its all text right now and that might add some life to the pages.

in the footer where are the insurance quotes going? they go to a page but do you have affiliate links in them? once someone fills out the form?

http://www.salarycalculatoraustralia.com/comment/3#comment-3 , whatever that layout is it looks 10 years old !

sorry mate, scrub it , redo, if you didn't ask us to look at it I would have bounced in 1 second.



Top Contributor
sorry mate, scrub it , redo, if you didn't ask us to look at it I would have bounced in 1 second.

If you needed to use a pay calculator would you have really bounced in a second or would you have stayed and used the calculator since that was the reason for your visit in the first place?


Top Contributor
it doesn't show me an authority or respect for the domain.

I'm sure your stats would show a 2 second exit time on the homepage...... if that.

The domain name is an Exact Match Keyword Domain Name in the .com and the sites has received over 8,000 unique visitors per month on average over the past year. Explain how the domain is not an authority or has no respect?

Your assumption that the site would have a 2 second exit time on the homepage is just that... an assumption. You are suggesting that every visitor would not bother using the calculator even though that is why they arrived at the website in the first place.

Come on Tim... if you're going to give a site review at least make some sense rather than talking dribble.

I agree with you about the slider on every page and I have made the necessary changes. Have also changed the Adsense to image only but will do some split testing with image/text over the next week to see which is more profitable.


Top Contributor
I think it looks much better with the calculator moved up and the size increased.

Given that's what most visitors would be looking for (a calculator tool) - putting it front and center should reduce your bounce rate.


Regular Member
If you want to drastically increase your adsense CTR and earnings...

Try removing the big sliders at the top, put the ads on the left (people read left to right), reduce the header area in size and perhaps move the link units just below the heading although need to be careful not to have too many ads above the fold for SEO. Something like this: http://i.cubeupload.com/0Mz7BC.jpg

Id recommend keeping the ads as text and images and let Google optimise your earnings (they are out to make the most they can per ad unit load so let them work out how), text will usually make you more than images. You could test out 336x280 banners as these seem to make a bit more money as well. Change your ad units and ads to have a white background as well so they blend into the site more.


Top Contributor
you asked for a review and i gave one, in answer to your questions i think a forum without members should just be called a blog, i didn't see evidence that you were trying to create a community, just my opnion.

8000 uniques GREAT, but i don't know that and nor does the next person, we take the site as we see it, and stand by my statements.

if i arrived on an EMD wanting a calculator i would expect to see it straight up,
is a typical example, in the header "get 3 quotes"



Top Contributor
if i arrived on an EMD wanting a calculator i would expect to see it straight up, http://www.solarquotes.com.au is a typical example, in the header "get 3 quotes"

How is that site a calculator? Where are the calculations? Do you know what a calculator is Tim? That site is a lead generation site with a post code input box. You have no idea what you're talking about.

the calculator is good but seriously big whoop !

You can stand by your comments but I think they are nonsense.


Top Contributor
solar quotes has a "call to action" that is my point.

i revisted your site just before, removing that google banner placement has improved it, the small text ads i've been told work quite well, i still think the slider is still to high.

i presently have a site on dnt i want comments on, PLEASE give me a review
sorry i put it in the wrong section, maybe admin could move it for me?



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