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Content Marketing World Sydney - March 2013


Top Contributor
It really depends what you want out of this conference, a few people have actually asked me about it in the past few months.

TO be honest I think it will appeal to the top level and big business kind of area, but if you read most of the content marketing blogs out their you will be pretty across most of the concepts they will put out.

I have actually met up with 2 of the main speakers in the past, whilst they are good are they really advanced in this area, i wouldn't say so.

For networking this would probably be a good event.


Top Contributor
...but if you read most of the content marketing blogs out their you will be pretty across most of the concepts they will put out.

That's what I was thinking too, but I've booked in anyway and hopefully I'll learn a thing or two.

If nothing else it's an easy tax deduction for the business and a chance to get away for a few days.



Top Contributor
I returned from CMW last night, and I have to say it was money very well spent.

The speakers were a mix of content marketing experts along with marketing managers from some big US companies such as Kraft and Amex, and locals such as SportsBet and NRMA.

It was pretty amazing to hear what the big boys are doing in terms of online content marketing and how it's working for them. I do a lot of reading, but this stuff was gold.

For my own business I now have a list of tasks which should keep me going for the next six months at least!

They're looking at running another one in Australia next year, and I'd recommend it for anyone looking to make the jump from domaining to building a business.

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