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there has been posts on this before with the potential change to just .nz ( as well as .au)

but my question is, what is the general feeling on .co.nz ? for argument sack lets use cars.co.nz which is not for sale so its good neutral ground.

IF, it came up for sale would i be concerned about cars.nz coming onboard in the future?

in the other posts most people agreed it was yearsssssssssssssss away, i just want a general feeling of yes or no in investing in the co.nz space

note: i'm not talking "buy sell", i'm talking "buy build income" but if i put the effort in i don't want to be tossed by a domainname.nz competiting againts me.

all opinions appreciated, i'm not looking for links to articles (i've read enough now i think ) as i just want members opinions.




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From memory I think there was something mentioned about current NZ domain holders being given first preference over any introduction of top level .nz domains for the corresponding domain.. So the current owner of cars.co.nz would be offered the chance to get cars.nz. What I don't know is whether or not the owners of cars.net.nz, cars.geek.nz etc also have equal claim to cars.nz, and if so how that would work (auction maybe).


Top Contributor
From memory I think there was something mentioned about current NZ domain holders being given first preference over any introduction of top level .nz domains for the corresponding domain.. So the current owner of cars.co.nz would be offered the chance to get cars.nz. What I don't know is whether or not the owners of cars.net.nz, cars.geek.nz etc also have equal claim to cars.nz, and if so how that would work (auction maybe).

yes that DNT conversation has been had for the au space

my question really is: would you invest HEAVILY $$$$$$ into a .co.nz given they have suggestion that they will bring in JUST .nz ?



Top Contributor
my question really is: would you invest HEAVILY $$$$$$ into a .co.nz given they have suggestion that they will bring in JUST .nz ?

I think that is a tricky question.

For a start, as far as I know, it is not a certainty that .nz will be introduced in the near future. So if you are holding off investing in the nz domain space until this time you might be waiting a while.

Secondly, I don't think .nz is automatically better than .co.nz. People are used to .co.nz and most well known New Zealand businesses use them currently so they have a 'trust' factor attached.

If you look at .com.sg or .co.jp, as well as many others, which have released their respective top level country extensions, from what I can gather, many of the well established businesses still prefer to use the second level country extensions. As a quick example: google.sg redirects to google.com.sg, google.jp redirects to google.co.jp.

I personally am not holding back on .co.nz domains because to wait for something I don't know is a certainty (release of .nz) is loosing the chance to make money on developed .co.nz domains in the meantime. Also as I mentioned before I think current holders of NZ domains will get first rights on any new release, so having the .co.nz version of the domain you are waiting for in .nz might give you a big advantage when the time comes.

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