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Testers needed


Top Contributor
Hi there

We're looking for willing testers on Netfleet for, you guessed it, drop catching services.

We would like to attempt to register expired domains in your name. We only require that you cover the cost of registration, which is $44.95 (Netregistrys standard rate). This would be charged on success only.

Please bear in mind that we are still testing for our future platform. During testing, we try different things every day - meaning some days could flop entirely! Of course, other days it may not. If we have a backorder for that day - all bets are off.

Please could you PM me in the first instance if keen with the best email address to contact you on, and we'll take it from there. We won't be able to do everyone for simple logistic reasons. Also, we wil only attempt to register domains that we mutually agree on



Top Contributor
We're looking for willing testers on Netfleet for, you guessed it, drop catching services.

We would like to attempt to register expired domains in your name. We only require that you cover the cost of registration, which is $44.95 (Netregistrys standard rate). This would be charged on success only.

Hey Mark - what a great idea! It's something I suggested to David in another thread a couple of days ago.

However can we backdate the testing to Monday? I'll be in like Flynn! Perhaps you can try and get townsville.com.au for me? :D

Cheers, Ned


For this testing Mark, do we actually have a choice as to what domains we try to pickup, or is it just a random selection?


Top Contributor
Hi Soj

Yes of course. You just need to let me know which domains you would like. Of course, domains might be requested by multiple people, so I'll divide fairly based on merit of the domain. Will let all know which domains we will attempt to catch for them once divided up. We will only attempt domains you ask for, not random.

Cheers, Mark

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