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My SEO converstation with an Indian Spammer


Top Contributor
You know the spam emails you get every day?
this are the guys that send them to you

Check how the whole "conversation" I had with them via skype
(to long to copy and paste here)

For sure it will make you laugh



Top Contributor
Hmmm... I felt sorry for the Indians. You were stringing them along just for kicks.

I'm a softy maybe but not my cup of tea.


Archived Member
I can't really fault them for being entrepreneurial and for what it's worth, I get these sort of emails from Australian SEO companies as well. Looks like they have at least 50 staff so they would be stupid not to continue if there is a market for their services. They have a couple A/C units and this chick gets to play pokerstars while at work.. great place to work if you lived in India I would think.


Top Contributor
I can't really fault them for being entrepreneurial and for what it's worth, I get these sort of emails from Australian SEO companies as well. Looks like they have at least 50 staff so they would be stupid not to continue if there is a market for their services. They have a couple A/C units and this chick gets to play pokerstars while at work.. great place to work if you lived in India I would think.

Yes, love the pokerstart photo.

Well, you are right, Australian companies do the same, but it backfires pretty bad


Top Contributor
What else did you expect if you pretend to show interest?

I expected to find out they are willing to take any money, without even asking what the SEO project is all about.

I had more than 1 customers (mums and dads) that have been scammed before by people offering 1st place for "home loans"

that's all.


Archived Member
Plenty of Australian SEO companies do the same. I'm the last person to get all PC but this just seems in bad taste and looking at all the drama re: Indian/Australian relations the past couple of years, nothing good would come of this and is probably best deleted.


Top Contributor
You are right. May be this can really bring down the relationships with India.
Admin: In order of international order, can you please delete this post.

Thanks Jonathan....


Top Contributor
Indian SEO's are pretty bad, I feel sorry for all the Australian business's who are been ripped off then they have a bad taste for any thing to do with SEO.

That been said whilst their are many bad Indian SEO's their are also some decent ones who work hard for what they do, but the thing is if they can make $1,000 a month off SEO that is like a yearly wage or even more hence they are desperate for the work.

I think most clients are really keen to deal with a local person these days, email spam just isn't working.

Most clients want to catch up for a beer or a wine and work with some one they can trust on a personal manner first before they sign up for a contract..


Top Contributor
I expected to find out they are willing to take any money, without even asking what the SEO project is all about.

I had more than 1 customers (mums and dads) that have been scammed before by people offering 1st place for "home loans"

that's all.

But the thing is many Australia companies offer "Guaranteed Results" this is laughable because Google even advises not to use companies who offer this -


Beware of SEOs that claim to guarantee rankings, allege a "special relationship" with Google, or advertise a "priority submit" to Google. There is no priority submit for Google. In fact, the only way to submit a site to Google directly is through our Submit your content page or by submitting a Sitemap and you can do this yourself at no cost whatsoever.
Many of these bad SEO's say Guaranteed results for "Life Insurance" budget $400 a month, sign on the dotted line and they are instantly scammed.

I even see big Australia SEO companies doing this with offices in 3 states haha..It is a joke...


Top Contributor
But the thing is many Australia companies offer "Guaranteed Results" this is laughable because Google even advises not to use companies who offer this -


Many of these bad SEO's say Guaranteed results for "Life Insurance" budget $400 a month, sign on the dotted line and they are instantly scammed.

I even see big Australia SEO companies doing this with offices in 3 states haha..It is a joke...

You think I can get one of the Big Aussie SEO companies, to send me a photo with a sign like this James? :D


Top Contributor
Many of these bad SEO's say Guaranteed results for "Life Insurance" budget $400 a month, sign on the dotted line and they are instantly scammed.

I like the ones that guarantee 1st place for $200 a month, then spend 1/2 the money buying adwords advertising.


Top Contributor
I like the ones that guarantee 1st place for $200 a month, then spend 1/2 the money buying adwords advertising.

Yes that's because often 1st place means jack. However the uninformed business owner just wants to see a top spot as it makes him feel like he's succeeeding in SEO. Also good for the ego!

So the SEO company get him to top spot for a mediocre term but then supplement that traffic with Adwords traffic so oit really does feel like the strategy is working.


Top Contributor
Can't fault people picking an Indian SEO company over the ones that want to go drinking with clients, waste other peoples time and worry about results later.

Clients usually request you to meet them at a Cafe or a Bar to have a drink before you sign a deal, what is wrong with that it is Aussie way of doing business, you can pull up a deck on the laptop and run over it in a relaxed mood.

I remember one Indian SEO company wanted to work for me haha, I said yeah lets meet for a drink in Sydney? They said "no sir we cant meet up but we can meet up for a virtual drink" pretty funny.


Top Contributor
I've actually had good results from indian seo companies, i have made the contracts split into milestones on preformance, white hat, panda and i'm having no issues.

They can't BS me as i have been doing it for years myself, now i just prefer to have someone else do it so i can do what i actually want to do.

I've got 2 new seo projects starting next week so i'll post again my experience with these new people, YES, i might have to eat crow but at least it will be for the benefit of all.

I think the thing is to make the deal accountable, measureable and results driven.

i'm reading a book at the moment " a whole new mind" by dan pink, i think anyone reading this thread will be interested in this book.


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