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white collar websites


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hi, here's my intro thanks to the invitation from ned who i bought a couple of domains off not so long ago.

about me: well i've been at it over 10 years now, i have a degree in photography which led me into the website world in 2001. i just photograph my kids now. For the first 6 years i had no clients.... i just had ideas, bought domains and developed them, made them rank and sold advertising to the businesses that didn't rank.... i still do this and its probably @ 60% of my income now, just 12 months ago it was 90% but i decided to start doing it for others so income has gone up.

which is why i started "white collar websites" 12 months ago to seperate this new work from MY domains, and its going well... almost to well that i have now started outsourcing which is a godsend.

I'm more of an ideas guy then a "doer", I have a management background for the first day i started working ( ha, maybe since i was born ! ) i can take a small concept and refine it to the end result, sometimes that involves realising there will be no end result so ditch it.

I'm here to share and grow my knowledge, learn things i haven't thought of yet and maybe help others with seeing the stones i have triped on along the way.

tim connell


Hi Tim,

Glad you found your way here. :)

I enjoyed my dealings with you, and know that you will fit in here just fine. You seem to be a very knowledgeable guy, and have lots to offer.

Cheers, Ned


Top Contributor
Hey Tim,

Welcome to DNT

Forgive my ignorance, but what do you mean by 'white collar websites'?


Top Contributor
Hi Tim,

Nice intro! Hey if you are a photographer, you may as well throw your profile on photographers.com.au - it's free! Or maybe you know someone who is? Help me out I'm keen for more photogs

So you now make lead gen websites for other rather than selling ads/leads fromk your own website - is that what you mean?

Anyway welcome!



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aus11, yep, www.whitecollarwebsites.com.au , check it out its a kick $^% site LOL.

its on my todo list for the xmas break.



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hi davidL

i don't photograph anymore but what i learnt at uni i use EVERYDAY.

my sister-in-law is a melbiurne photog so i'll feed the link to her. Alot of my friends and clients are wedding photogs.

"find a need and fill it" i suppose is the way it works for me, i was born a photographer so whilst at uni in bris i shot weddings as a sub-contractor ( photog gets sick...ring tim) i was shooting @ 60 weddings a year !! i wish i photographed each brides face when i showed up and the photog didn't LOL, but i was as good as any off them and my brides loved me.

thats when i got into creating websites lead gen websites for the wedding industry services. now i'm expanding.

so to your next Q : the original business is still booming and growing but i have become more efficient and using outsourcing i'm now heading into "project management" both for my new sites and clients sites giving me time to do what i do best and thats "sell online ideas".

dave ( ned knows dave) built my first website for me and since then i have done most of it all myself, going back to dave for advice, now i have that knowledge i don't want to DO it anymore, as there are much better people then me but i know how to make things happen.

its all about knowing what you are good at and especially knowing what you aren't good at.

So all i have done is just added an extra business extension to what i was already doing but through WCWebsites i can seperate my thinking, eg: this is mine... this is the clients.

2 seperate business names, accounts, accounting, hosting, domain rego etc. it keeps it all neat.

this way i get to play and risk for MY sites and thus learn, and then transfer that into the clients sites once something succeeds.

thus if i loose a few hundred bucks on a bad idea at least i don't have to explain myself to anyone !

i'm excited, 2012 is already booked out so i must be doing somethign right?



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Admin, thanks, i'm in wind-down mode for the year thus why i have time to post. just 1 client to finish off the year then a good 3-4 week break.

I generally use this time to "think" , ponder, create.

I'm VERY excited about those domains we dealt with, can't wait to show you what i will do with them.

just working on getting so kind of ranking for them, but no hurry.



Top Contributor
Hey if you are a photographer, you may as well throw your profile on photographers.com.au - it's free!

I recommended a photographer to do just this, but the signup page is broken.

Can you please advise when it's up and running again. Thanks.

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