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Below cost domains


Hi all

Not sure if anyone else has seen this but thought i'd share it, Ziphosting are currently having a sale and offering all .com.au domains at below cost prices of $7.96/yr. It's only running for 4 days. Here's the link http://ow.ly/5qOHm


Top Contributor
Hi all

Not sure if anyone else has seen this but thought i'd share it, Ziphosting are currently having a sale and offering all .com.au domains at below cost prices of $7.96/yr. It's only running for 4 days. Here's the link http://ow.ly/5qOHm

That's a great price!

Any phone support these days with ZipHosting? Or is it still submit a ticket and wait?

I used to be a big supporter of Hostess / ZipHosting, and still have a lot of domains there, but phone support is important (if and when you ever need it).


Top Contributor
No phone support - it's all ticket support but that's what makes it so cheap!

Cheap is not always best! :p To me, service is the key thing.

In a few days time, the domains will be back to $21.95, and it will still be ticket support.

I've had a couple of bad experiences with ticket support, and I know a few friends who have
as well. Sometimes you just need to talk to a human to save tons of time.

I'm not bagging ZipHosting - they have consistently had cheap prices and a good stable platform
backed by NetRegistry. But these days, when you can get the same or better for less elsewhere,
it does test loyalty.

Just my opinion.

P.S. When are you going to do a quick intro? :)


Top Contributor
Personally (this is my opinion) I find that eTickets are better. Reasons being:

1. It saves me time
2. It saves them time (making it cheaper).

I find it's a lot easier to write it all down and get everything across that way, then explain it all over the phone.


Ticketed support doesn't always suit everyone. However I find that those who are more experienced in domain management and hosting tend to suffice with ticketed support and would rather receive lower prices as a result. In terms of Ziphosting - they still offer great value domains even when a sale isn't running and this for me is the fundamental fact. The sale is actually making the domain on offer come up as below cost!

Indeed as mentioned Zip does offer a cloud-clustered load balanced hosting infrastructure - which has been deemed reliable across the board.


Top Contributor
Personally (this is my opinion) I find that eTickets are better. Reasons being:

1. It saves me time
2. It saves them time (making it cheaper).

I find it's a lot easier to write it all down and get everything across that way, then explain it all over the phone.

I use tickets first and foremost - but occasionally the written message is misinterpreted - and so you go back and forth a few times (and that wastes time).

So wouldn't it be better if you had both options? That is my point here. With ZipHosting, you are locked into only ticket support.

I can get both for less.


Top Contributor
I get what you mean. So you would say that eTicket is your first port of call but having the phone option is good?


Top Contributor
I prefer ticketing system if it's answered promptly. I can see what neddy means about being misunderstood.. i've had that problem at other hosts.

Overall I find the NR console to be pretty good.


Top Contributor
I can get both for less.

Really - domains for less than $20.95/2 years and phone support?

If wholesale is $19, say (think that's about what it is), how can a company afford to man the phones as well as do everything else for $2/domain?

I think it's fair enough not to offer phone support - it's the same with VentraIP. When they run their specials, you have online only.


Top Contributor
I get what you mean. So you would say that eTicket is your first port of call but having the phone option is good?


Now, as a Dad, I've got to have a friendly dig at you here Sparky.

My teenage sons constantly text there mates - sometimes they have an exchange of 10 texts in 10 minutes.
(And they wonder why they run out of credit before the end of the month!?).

I understand the value and need to text, but sometimes surely it is better and cheaper to call each other? :confused:

I know I'm an old fart, but do you understand the analogy with eTickets? Great to have tickets, but if you need to phone, it's wonderful to be able to.



Top Contributor
I understand you perfectly Ned. Most of the time it's cheaper and easier to send texts (in your analogy) but sometimes it's faster and cheaper to call.


Top Contributor
Really - domains for less than $20.95/2 years and phone support?

If wholesale is $19, say (think that's about what it is), how can a company afford to man the phones as well as do everything else for $2/domain?

I think it's fair enough not to offer phone support - it's the same with VentraIP. When they run their specials, you have online only.

Let me clarify David. I guess I am talking about an overall service package that is applicable to me.

I'm not bagging ZipHosting (Hostess) because I have used them for years. They were the forerunner of discount domains, and I'm very grateful
for that. It's just that I had a few issues with eTickets in the past (not being answered promptly; or my issue not being understood properly etc).

The price they are offering for the next few days is absolutely fantastic; and will no doubt tempt a lot of people.

I also know there are quite a few on here that have purchased domains and hosting from VentraIP. Their domain names are currently $17.95 - recently
reduced from $19.95.

I have a reseller package, and that allows me the option of eTickets and phone support. Invariably, domains and hosting are interlinked.

Mostly I have used eTickets (and I do prefer them because you have a record), but on a couple of occasions I just had to speak to someone, and
I have been able to. That's what I like - having that option if I should ever need it.

But that's me. Others may disagree. :)


Top Contributor
Yes I know you aren't bagging Zip - I was just suprised that there was a company that did deliver both phone support and prices like that. Very impressive from Ventra IP.

Jeez there must be a fair bit of margin squeeze in the registrar industry at the moment..


Top Contributor
We have sales for below cost domain names all the time, in fact we did it this past weekend. One could say that Zip are simply following our lead. :)

Have you been to Woolworths or Coles lately and seen the Coke or Arnott's biscuits on sale? It's called loss leading. Bring customers in the door in the hope they'll buy something else.

It's nothing new. ;)

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