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New Member
Hi Everyone,

I am very green when it comes to buying and selling domains,
I am an SEO/PPC specialist at DejanSEO.
Google "SEO" and you will see us at number 1!

One of my clients just bought shippingcontainers.com.au for over 11k
and another bought lifeinsurance.net.au for like 7k

I know the value of 100% match domain names! But holy crap they can sell for a lot.

A few of my clients like to buy up domain names and I just want to keep an eye out for some good ones. (Also some good ones for myself)

Keen to learn more about this sector of online marketing and I look forward to chatting with everyone.


Top Contributor
Welcome to DNT. :)

Hope we can learn things from each other. There are lots of knowledgeable members here, and your firm looks to also have some very talented people.

The guy / guys that are involved with lifeinsurance.net.au are DNT members.

Hope you find some nice names to buy. ;)

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Top Contributor
Welcome to DNTrade - it's always good to have experienced SEO guys chatting on the forums given that so many domainers these days are moving into developing.


Top Contributor
Hi welcome googled seo and yes you are number 1 but at 11.31 - 36pm tonight your website is down. http://dejanseo.com.au/ Hope you dont use Distribute IT?

FYI Best place to buy and sell names is currently at www.netfleet.com.au and www.drop.com.au
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Regular Member
Hi Kris. Welcome to DN Trade Forum. It's good to see a fellow SEO here. See you in the discussions.

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