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advertiser turned publisher turned network


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Hey All

I'm a publisher from way back that started a convergent affiliate network here in Sydney and I'd be more than happy to join in on any discussions from a network / publisher point of view.

I started www.winbig.com.au about 8 years back and then launched www.winbig.com about a year and a bit later. Then 2 years ago I started www.digitalleadnetwork.com with two talented like minded gentlemen.

Our key verticals are mobile, finance, competitions, travel and gaming.

Its interesting to see the growth of affiliate marketing in Australia and how the advertisers view publishers and vice versa.

Shoot me any questions you have or I'll chat more in an open forum....


Top Contributor
Welcome :) A question what ads do you have on your network? Are the affiliate based or CPC etc? Also, do they cover most categories? Are they Australia specific or worldwide and if they're worldwide do they work well in Australia


Top Contributor
Welcome whiterabit. Good to have you here.

I recently joined digitialleadnetwork for some of your finance campaigns. Not sure if it was you who I was talking to, or one of the other 2 talented like minded gentlemen :)


Top Contributor
Great to have you here at DNT. :)

I'm sure we will all benefit from your experience and knowledge.

And along the way some of us might even give you a bit of biz!

Cheers, Ned (Admin)


Regular Member
Welcome :) A question what ads do you have on your network? Are the affiliate based or CPC etc? Also, do they cover most categories? Are they Australia specific or worldwide and if they're worldwide do they work well in Australia

Thanks for the welcome guys. I look forward to talking more over the coming weeks.

Most of our AU targeted campaigns are CPA/L basis and focus around the finance, travel and competitions verticals. Our CPC stuff is more on the mobile front which you can push on globally.

Rather than list all of our campaigns, I'm happy to talk over email or via Skype so please drop me a line.

And thanks for the heads up on WB.com, Johno - I'm faffing about with a redesign but I'm kinda caught up in a couple of ideas and I don't know which way to go with it.......hopefully it happens to everyone and not just me :p

Data Glasses

Top Contributor
Welcome whiterabit ........ did you delay joining because you were busy over easter ?

(all those eggs and stuff)


Regular Member
Welcome to the forum!

I agree with FPR that it's good to see someone from the network side. I'm sure you have an informed perspective on what makes a really successful publisher compared to an average one - apart from the obvious that they make more sales!

Any thoughts you want to share would be appreciated.

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