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Hi guys,

I know a few of us are heading over to Las Vegas next Friday to rub shoulders with the big-wigs and I am so excited to be exclusively representing (I believe) the biggest premium showcase of Australian .COM.AU domain names while I'm there.

Although all of us who hang out on DNTrade and Domainer have purchased our Aussie names for development reasons or for domain monetisation purposes (which includes every name on our Domain Friday platform too), it will be good to see if we can sell some names while we are there to "slim" down and "streamline" some of our portfolios.

We are only accepting premium names, but if you'd like us (DBR - basically meaning ME) to exclusively represent your domain names on my Domain Friday platform whilst I'm there, (meaning represent your names only for the month of January) - LET ME KNOW (robert@dbr.com.au)

Yes, I will be taking a commission. But be rest-assured I will be promoting EVERY name on the list, I don't care who owns it, they will all get equal exposure to every domainer and domain broker I meet in Las Vegas.

I will be adding at least 100 more names to the list by Monday. I'm going through them today and tomorrow...

I'm not spending all that money and time to go over there for a haircut, I can tell you.

I will literally be explaining to businessmen, every few minutes, how they CAN invest in Australian domain names (using the blogs that Domainer and Cooper Mills have written in the past) and then literally show them, on my own phone or on their phone, THE PREMIUM .COM.AU LIST and get them to pay instantly and approve the AUTH CODE transfer instantly.

Here is THE AUSSIE .COM.AU NAME LIST I will be showing them for 2017:


Email me for more info.

Go Aussies in Vegas 2017!!!


Top Contributor
The first batch of names we are exclusively representing in Vegas are now up on THE LIST. Every 12 hours over the next three days will see us add hundreds of PREMIUM names for maximum exposure in Vegas. If you've got any good ones yourself, now is the time to let us know.


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Thanks for the submissions and please don't be offended if I haven't accepted your names. I am trying to keep the quality to absolute premium on THE LIST.
I am representing 4 separate strong premium domain portfolios in Vegas at the moment. I'm looking to take 1 or 2 more on, and then I'm closing the gate. Also, my cut off for adding and representing names and updating THE LIST on DomainFriday.com.au is this Tuesday night. After that, THE LIST is what it is. Today I locked in 2 meetings for this Saturday in Vegas from big overseas investors who will be purchasing names legitimately according to auDA policy. Who knows which names they'll pick, but hopefully this is good for everyone involved, who have their names on THE LIST. I will be busy updating THE LIST over the next 48 hours with hundreds more names I have to go through...
I'm not sorry for the fact that I love saying THE LIST over and over again.


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As people from the past have said about NamesCon, it is life-changing, albeit expensive and gruelling (travel-wise). I am considering writing a blog about my journey. I got sick near the end and the 30 hours of travelling home took its toll too. I have multiple investors who have said they are very interested in my own names, as well as many from the portfolio's I am representing. Many JV opportunities too, that I plan on following up. I believe one or two of the investors I met may end up being permanent domainer-friends going forward. I will be doing business with these potential investors over the next few weeks so I don't want to call the whole thing a success until all those deals have come to fruition and been finalised. I learned so much about the international domain name industry that really puts our little Australian industry into highly-detailed perspective. It's one thing hanging out on DNTrade and talking about Australian drops, compared to rubbing shoulders with the world market, which is going gang-busters on another level. As with the guys who attended last year, I can not recommend attending NamesCon highly enough. It opens your domainer mind in an awesome way that can't really be explained unless you've attended.


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Yes, plus still negotiating over the coming weeks... Plus working on something big that has come about because of NamesCon that I will be talking about soon...


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It was interesting to watch the live interview on namescon on DomainSherpa and see the comments regarding disco.com.au. Did you submit this domain on behalf of Internet Products Sales & Services Pty Ltd? Around the 26:45 mark for those who are interested. Does Frank know something that we all don't? -> did he say that the owner of disco.com.au will be eligible for disco.au??? The audio is not clear to me so I'm unsure exactly what he says. Sorry link to interview is http://www.domainsherpa.com/review-20170130/#video

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